Beauty & Fashion

Cashmere Sweaters: Styling and Care Tips

Cashmere sweaters are timeless classics that can be worn in any season. They offer versatility and comfort, making them a must-have for every closet. Luxurious cashmere sweaters require extra care to keep them looking good for many seasons to come.

Cashmere Sweaters: Styling and Care Tips

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Why Invest in Cashmere

Cashmere can last a lifetime, when cared for correctly. It’s warm, yet lightweight. The all-natural knit keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, making it ideal for changing temperatures and unexpected temperature changes. Cashmere has an attractive drape, making it a good choice for all body types.

The fibers come from the soft undercoat of goats that live in frigid areas. The process of separating cashmere from coarse top coats is time consuming, which is why cashmere costs so much more. It also explains why the fibers are so soft and require careful maintenance.

Styling Cashmere

Because cashmere is so luxurious, styling doesn’t require much effort. A classic cashmere sweater looks great with tailored pants or comfortable jeans. The focal point should be the sweater, so the best styling tips are to keep accessories to a minimum. Avoid wearing scarves, statement jewelry, or anything else that does not have a luxurious, minimal quality to it.

Your shoes should also give way to the sweater. For example, if you are wearing a cashmere sweater to a dressy event, consider basic heels or flats. When wearing cashmere with jeans in a casual setting, consider basic sneakers in a solid color with minimal flare.

If you have long hair, wear it up to show off your sweater. Avoid large earrings or necklaces that draw the eye away from the beautiful knit

Caring for Cashmere

Caring for cashmere isn’t as difficult as you might think. Before you wash it, wear it a few times, as washing can put added stress on the delicate fibers.

How to Store It

It’s important to store cashmere so moths cannot get to it. Keeping your cashmere in protective bags prevents moths from eating the delicate fibers. Adding cedar balls or lavender and mint sachets to the protective bags also prevents moths from getting to the sweaters, as they avoid those fragrances. Avoid using moth balls as they usually have toxic chemicals in them.

Freezing Cashmere

After you wear your cashmere, you can freeze it to kill off moth eggs or larvae. Put it in a garment bag and leave it in your freezer for at least 48 hours. After removing it, fluff up the sweater and put it in the storage bag with the sachets or cedar balls.

Read the Care Label

Some cashmere sweaters are machine washable. If yours is, wash it in a mesh washing bag so it doesn’t snag on other items in the wash. Sweaters with hand washing instructions require cool water soaks and gentle agitation. After removing it from the water bath, dry it with a towel rather than wringing out the water. Always lay sweaters flat to dry, as hanging them stretches them and creates shoulder dimples.