Beauty & Fashion

Amanda Jo of Organic Bunny Shares 7 Ways You Can Tell Your Beauty Product Is Toxic

Many makeup wearers are worried about the contents of their favorite beauty products. You may have heard that some beauty products contain chemicals that may cause cancer and reproductive problems. While there are small amounts of these dangerous ingredients in most drugstore and department store beauty products, they can add up to cause problems over time.

7 Ways You Can Tell Your Beauty Product Is Toxic

When you check out the ingredients in drugstore makeup, you may be shocked to discover that they are used as industrial chemicals, preservatives, and solvents. You may wonder how drugstore makeup brands can get away with using these hazardous ingredients in a product that goes directly on your skin.

The reason is that most beauty consumers don’t read labels. They buy brands that they are used to and that are convenient to find on store shelves. The green beauty fan needs to have good research skills and an open mind when it comes to choosing new products.

Going through your makeup bag and deciding what is safe and what has to go can be difficult. Amanda Jo of Organic Bunny shares 7 methods that you can use to tell whether your favorite beauty product is toxic.

1. Use the Think Dirty App

If you’re frustrated with going through the ingredients of your makeup and skincare products, dealing with chemical names you can’t pronounce, you will get a lot out of the Think Dirty app. You can enter your beauty product’s name or scan its barcode and get a full report on its ingredients, along with a score telling you how “dirty” the product is. This can give you an easy way to decide what you need to pitch and what you can keep and use safely.

2. Read the Label

If your favorite beauty products don’t use the words “natural”, “green”, “organic”, “cruelty-free”, or “vegan,” assume that they are not. Check the website of each brand for information on how they choose their ingredients. Most brands will spell out their philosophy and let you know where their ingredients come from.

3. Check on a Natural Beauty Site

If you order your products from a site that is dedicated to green beauty, you can be certain that your new purchases won’t contain dangerous ingredients or harm the environment. Websites like Organic Bunny don’t stock anything that isn’t pure and natural.

4. Read Reviews

When you are buying a new beauty brand for the first time, it is a good idea to read up on it online. Reading reviews of new products can help you find out whether they are safe and natural. Green beauty blogs are a good place to start.

5. Look Up Ingredients

If you find ingredients that you can’t pronounce on the label, it’s a good bet that these ingredients are “dirty.” You should think about doing research on each one of these dangerous chemicals to see what kind of damage you could be doing to your skin and your overall health. A little research can go a long way when it comes to understanding how your skin is affected by “dirty” beauty products.

6. Check on the Brand’s Reputation

Some beauty brands have been around for a long time and haven’t changed their formulas. The oldest and most familiar drugstore brands are probably the worst when it comes to dangerous ingredients. New brands are more likely to use new ways of doing business. They may have a better understanding of what today’s beauty consumer is looking for in their makeup products.

7. Check the EWG Skin Deep Database

Another good place to look for beauty product information is the EWG Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. This database makes it easy to look up the beauty products that you use most often, including soaps, shampoos, and baby products, and find out which harmful ingredients they contain. The website ranks products based on their ingredients, hazards, and allergy information. You can use the score to decide what you should buy.

When you search for your favorite products, you may be surprised or even shocked by their ingredients. Take your phone along with you when you shop and look up products on the fly.

Be Careful When You Shop

When you look through your makeup bag and skincare collection, you may be upset by the number of “dirty” products you own. You don’t need to panic. Replacing each product one at a time is fine, but you should start with the products with the highest scores according to Think Dirty and the EWG Skin Deep database. When you are looking for fresh new choices to replace the older products you are throwing away, turn to all-natural beauty sites where you know that everything has been vetted for safety and effectiveness. Amanda Jo of Organic Bunny has a fantastic range of products for every beauty need.