Beauty & Fashion

9 Ways to Make Your Man More Fashionable

A lot of men either could care less about fashion, or they consider their general dressing choices fashionable. What about your man?

Here we will show you 9 ways to help make your man more fashionable. And you might be surprised to find it involves more than clothing choices.

9 Ways to Make Your Man More Fashionable

1.      Don’t Try to Force Him

Right at the start, never try to force him. You obviously value him or you wouldn’t be with him. So instead of trying to force him into this transformation, make the idea appeal to him. If you want him to embrace the idea, he has to be able to enjoy the ride.

2.      Don’t Be Critical

This goes along with #1. Critical comments about his current clothing choices are not going to help the process any. He might tolerate it for a while, but everyone has their limit. Don’t push it.

3.      Plan Ahead

If your man is like many men, they work long and hard. Sometimes even a well-intentioned surprise can throw off their intended down time. Talk to them well ahead of time, and tell them you’d be so happy if he would join you to take a look at some men’s clothing. They might be inclined to put it off, but keep trying.

4.      Buy Gifts

If you know his sizes, you might have to buy them yourself and give the items as gifts. A good man will appreciate a thoughtful gift. Tell him if he doesn’t like them or they don’t fit, you’ll take them back. This could be a good way to open an otherwise closed door.

5.      Encourage His Efforts

When he gives it a try, and actually wears something outside his “apparel box,” commend him. Make genuine comments about how good he looks. If he looks really good, tell him he should have more of those threads in his closet.

6.      Take It Slow

If your guy is used to very casual dress, try taking small steps up the fashion ladder. If he wears nothing but denim pants and a t-shirt, try to persuade him to wear a polo shirt with his jeans. Then try a polo shirt with khakis. Then add a casual jacket later. Maybe even some comfortable accessories will be welcome.

7.      It Must “Fit”

The “fit” we’re talking about has nothing to do with size. It has to do with wearing something that he thinks is a good “fit” for him. If he doesn’t like the color, don’t try to make it “grow on him.” If it’s the right size but the style is uncomfortable, then it doesn’t “fit.”

8.      Set the Standard

How would your man feel if you complained about his appearance, but didn’t do anything with yours? He will abandon the idea quicker than you can say “polo shirt.” A good example, on the other hand, might encourage him to do the same.

9.      Reward Success

If you notice that he is wearing his new apparel without any coaxing from you, then that deserves a reward. It will sweeten the effort he is putting in, and he’ll be more likely to continue.

Whatever your man’s view of fashion is, we hope that these suggestions will help your man to successfully – and peacefully – become more fashionable.