Health & Fitness

The Importance of Getting Enough Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important and has many health benefits that you don’t want to miss out on. Getting enough sleep is up there with exercise and a healthy diet. Unfortunately, it seems like it is getting harder and harder to get a good night’s sleep. There are so many distractions in this day and age, as well as interruptions and things to stress about. You end up lying awake for hours in bed thinking about the day or about tomorrow and don’t get nearly enough winks.

The Importance of Getting Enough Sleep

Another reason why so many seem to have insomnia is that their mattress or pillow is just not comfortable. It is hard to fall asleep or to get a beneficial deep sleep when you are uncomfortable. It is extremely important to have a good quality mattress to sleep on because you fall asleep more quickly and you will stay asleep longer. This equates to waking up, feeling restful and ready to tackle the day ahead.

If you don’t get enough sleep, you are much more likely to pack on a few extra pounds. This is because lack of sleep or poor sleep has been linked to weight gain. It has been found that people who have a short sleep tend to weigh more than those who have better sleeping habits. According to one study, children who were sleep deprived were 89 percent more likely to become obese, and adults were 55 percent more likely to become more obese. So if you are trying to lose weight, you may want to consider getting more sleep.

People are more likely to gain weight if they don’t get enough sleep because they tend to eat more. Sleep deprivation messes with the appetite hormones and there tends to be lower levels of leptin, which helps to suppress the appetite.

Those who get enough sleep also find it easier to concentrate and are more productive. Sleep is necessary for proper brain function, and this includes performance and cognition. A study found that getting a short sleep will impact certain aspects of brain function negatively, in a way similar to alcohol intoxication. But those who get a good night’s sleep will find that their problem-solving skills and memory performance will improve.

Athletic performance is also greatly affected. Those who get enough sleep will find that their athletic performance will improve. In a study of over 2,800 women, it was found that poor sleep was linked to lower grip strength, a slower pace and a much greater difficulty completing independent activities.

Those who do not get a good night’s sleep regularly are at a much higher risk for stroke and heart disease. Sleeping less than seven or eight hours every night has been linked to an increased risk of developing stroke and heart disease. Glucose metabolism and Type 2 diabetes risk are also increased. Poor sleep has also been linked to depression. About 90 percent of those suffering from depression have reported that they have poor sleep patterns.

Getting enough sleep improves your immune function, and you’ll be better able to fight off a cold. Inflammation can worsen and inflammatory bowel diseases have been linked to poor sleep habits. Emotions and social interactions are reduced, too. People who have not gotten enough sleep tend to have a harder time recognizing expressions, such as happiness or anger.

Getting enough sleep has many benefits. You will be much better able to function and to get your daily tasks accomplished if you get enough sleep. You may need to tweak your sleep patterns in order to get enough sleep, or a better quality of sleep, or maybe you need to get a new mattress. A mattress is always a great investment. If it gives you a good sleep and helps you feel better each day, then it is worth every penny. You will also be happier, and your relationships will be better. Good sleep will help you look and feel great every time you get out of bed.