Work & Finance

Women and the Tech Industry in the UK

There was one very notable thing about the photo taken of Angela Merkel at the Israeli Tech Summit recently. Merkel had probably never stood out so much in a photo. Her pink jacket popped in the lens of the camera as she was outnumbered by males in their dark and neutral suits. She even noticed the gender imbalance herself and at the summit called for more women to start getting involved with tech. The photo itself and her comments rallied women already working in tech to support her statement.

Women and the Tech Industry in the UK

The days of boys and their toys are gone. Now, more women do want to get into gadgets and work for top tech companies like InTouch Games – and they are. So, why are women making the tech industry even better and why should you employ them? Here are some top reasons.

  1. If Women Apply, They Are Qualified

Other studies have found that men will tend to apply for jobs and promotions even when they are not completely qualified. On the contrary, women will only apply for a tech job if they meet all the requirements listed on the job advert. If a woman applies for your tech job there is a good chance she will be awesome at it.

  1. Diversification

If the Israeli Tech Summit mentioned earlier or the plethora of other tech companies around the world are to go by, there is a clear gender imbalance within the industry. However, not having enough women in a tech company means perspectives are limited and companies cannot tap into a female market. Recruit women to your tech firm to prevent you from missing out on innovations or ways to improve your products and services for a larger market.

  1. Women Are Coding Stars

One study has found that women code better than men on average. However, their code is accepted on fewer occasions when it is known that was written by a woman. Although this is a statistic to make you wince, it just goes to show that women working in tech have usually had to be better to earn their place there. They are awesome at their job and tech companies can really benefit from having female coders onboard.

  1. Communication

Women are notoriously better than males at communicating issues and seeking clarification on the whole. That is not to say that many males in tech do not have these skills. However, including females in tech will allow teams to find problems with the software and other products being developed much quicker – and harness ways of making the technology better as a team.

The news is filled with gender inequality issues of late. The tech industry is just another niche that has come in the firing line. Just like most of the industries being analysed, women may not be as present as they should be but when they are, they are phenomenal at carrying out their wizardry craft in tech.