Work & Finance

Marketing Tips for Startup Companies Targeting Women

Businesses looking to increase their bottom line need to start catering to women. It turns out that most households have the woman making most of the financial decisions. If your advertising doesn’t take women into consideration, then you’re likely not appealing to the right audience. Here are a few tips to make sure you’re properly reaching out to this lucrative demographic.

Marketing Tips for Startup Companies Targeting Women

  1. You need to listen to what women really want.

It has to be more than just about making the sale to a woman. They want to know that you get them. Female customers need to feel that they’re making the right decision in working with you. Businesses can only do that by telling them exactly how their product is going to solve problems for them. You can’t assume that you know what women’s needs are before they tell you. You need to really listen to them, and you need to followup in case they have any misgivings or problems with what you’ve sold them. Good customer support will also pay for itself with more referrals.

  1. Use social proof.

It’s a widely known fact that women trust other women. Word of mouth is often the best way to promote any product or service to a female demographic. Women love to get together and talk about what they’ve bought and what places they like to visit. A business can entice women to talk about them by providing incentives. A referral system that targets women will help to get the word out about your business. A simple promotion setup where you add cash incentives for them to tell their friends and neighbors about you is a simple system that pays for itself. This is an example of viral marketing that has a low cost for businesses to implement.

  1. Communicate to women how they wish to be talked to.

You have to speak to the women in your marketing copy with regards to the roles they play in life. This means that you have to show how your product or service will make an impact in their lives. Will it help them in their role as a mom or a wife? If you’re a care facility, you might want to appeal to them in their role as a daughter. Women are family-focused. They want to improve their own lives as well as the lives of their children, their husbands and their parents.

Communication is really important when reaching out to a female audience. Women are practical, but they still want to see you put your best foot forward when marketing to them. You should keep your marketing and advertising copy fresh and stylish. Women do not like advertisements that look tired and old fashioned. They are responsive to ads that are fresh, clever and show some design skills.

Your marketing communication should be advertising to women from multiple angles. If your target women are in their cars, then you need to be on the radio or local billboards. When they are watching TV in their homes, your commercial needs to be on the TV. You can use services like Facebook Ads, SiteScout and Google Adwords to target women wherever they like to hang out online. A multimodal advertising approach allows you to reach women across different mediums. It will also enable you to experiment with a broad range of ad formats to see which is the most effective.

  1. Get women’s attention at checkout.

Women tend to be busy and are known for multitasking. An excellent method for getting a woman’s attention is to show related products to them close to checkout. This can be done online (using a related products section in their checkout page) or it can be done in store (such as when women are at the cashier). Women are always thinking about what else they forgot to buy. Providing a point of sale purchase opportunity is extra revenue for you when implemented correctly. If you’re targeting a younger demographic who might not be able to afford additional products, you can try offering them instant online cash loans to fund their purchase.

Businesses want to sell to women and bring in more revenue. You should start with upgrading your content and your marketing materials by investing in a leading digital marketing agency, such as Edge Online, this should help improve your online presence. Businesses should make sure that your female customers feel like they’re understood. The best companies know what their problems are. Before a business can even attempt to fix a problem that women have, they first have to demonstrate that they understand how women feel about the problem.