Parenting & Family

Choosing Toys for Toddlers

There are thousands of toys available for toddlers. Some are designed for developing fine motor skills while others are designed to develop problem solving skills. When you go shopping for toys for your toddler you will want to keep in mind what each toy is designed to do and what developmental stage the toy is designed to supplement.

1. Choosing Toys for Development

The first tip for selecting a toy for your toddler is to select one that will encourage the development of a certain skill. For example if you want to encourage fine motor skill development then you will want to find toys that require manipulation of pieces that vary is size and shape. Stacking blocks and ring sorters are good toys for developing fine motor skills because they require the manipulation of objects.

2. Read the Labels

The second tip for selecting a toy for your toddler is to read the information on the box. Make sure that you select a toy that is appropriate for the age of your toddler. This is because toddlers go through specific developmental stages during specific months. If you want to supplement their development in the most proactive manner then you will want to select toys that are at, or slightly above their current age.

3. Know what your toddler likes

The third tip for selecting a toy for your toddler is to know what your toddler likes. If they have a character, story, color, or texture that they really like, try to find toys that incorporate these things into their design. This will help to engage your child in active play.

4. Look for something new

The fourth tip for selecting a toy for your toddler is to look for toys that are different from what they have already been exposed to. Keeping things new and exciting is a great way to help your toddler develop coping skills. It also helps them to develop problem solving skills as they have to learn how the new toy works.

5. Safe Toys

The fifth tip for selecting a toy for your toddler is to look for safe toys. Toddlers are still learning about the world by putting things in their mouth. Because of this you don’t want to buy toys that have small pieces that can be choked on. You also don’t want to buy a toy that has sharp edges or long strings or plastic straps, as these things can strangle a toddler.

6. Exciting Colors and Patterns

The final tip for selecting a toy for your toddler is to look for exciting toys. If you want to stimulate your child then look for toys that have bold colors and patterns. These characteristics will hold your toddler’s attention longer, and it will stimulate their minds better then less attractive toys.

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