Society & Entertainment

My Woman Idol Contest – Winning Entries


Everyone, man or woman, has a woman in their lives who has inspired them, taught them the most important lessons in life, has been their biggest mentor, supporter or has changed or bettered their life in any way. It may be a family member, a friend, a celebrity, a political or world figure or any woman who you look up to with love and respect. Here are the winners of Dot Com Women’s ‘My Woman Idol Contest’ held in March 2005.

1st Prize – Amelia Young

Aminata Sow Fall

…as a Senegalese author with a gift for writing she has been endowed with power to be very influential…and she chooses to use her voice to teach the African people about finding ways they can be the movers and shakers in their lives and how to move away from a “victim mentality.” Even though I am not even African in origin at all, she taught me through her enthusiasm and empowerment that all of us as individuals need to take control of what is in our control. We need to see what we can change and how we can better the world, instead of always looking to blame and complain about how others need to be repaying us for the unjust things they’ve done. I will never forget Aminata and her enlightened mentality. 

She has risen on her own inside a culture in her country that is plagued with entitlement fixations. She taught me through her writings, her speeches, and most of all from her own attitude and outlook on life that all of us can and should be so much more free and beautiful if we are willing to stop looking to judge and blame but to being happy and doing all that we personally can do to make life better. She really is my idol. She is happy and beautiful because she chooses to be! She is in her 60’s and has endured a much more difficult life than so many and yet the image of her that I will never forget is her sitting on a desktop swinging her legs and looking around at her American students with a bright and inquisitive smile on her face. 

Since meeting her I have a heart more full of hope knowing that it’s not only on the shoulders of others to make a difference. I too am powerful and will be more carefree and beautiful, just like Aminata when I decide to be the owner of my life and to let go of unjustices done to me in the past. I love Aminata!

2nd Prize – Maryam Hadi

A’ishah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad

She was an outstanding woman in many ways. She educated lots of people, men and women alike. She faced trials during her lifetime but still she was strong in her faith and in all she did. She had an outstanding memory (I wish I had the same kind of memory – I keep forgetting a lot of things!). She was a teacher, a mentor, a companion. And she is still is all that to me.

3rd Prize – Paula Loughlin

Laura Bush

In her quiet way, she has brought dignity to the White House. She helps wherever she is needed without fanfare, without promoting herself. She reminds me of the late Jackie Kennedy as a first lady to be proud of.

4th Prize – Patrice Teilmann

Oprah Winfrey

She is an amazing woman who has become immensely sucessful and influential. She doesn’t lose sight of who she is or where she came from and uses her fame and wealth to further social causes.

5th Prize – Elaine Crane

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah came from very humble beginnings and on her journey of life overcame rape and diversity. She has become one of the most famous and rich people of the world. during her trip up the ladder she NEVER forgot who she was and all the other people les fortunate. With her wealth she has contributed to MANY charities and has helped children in Africa, her credits are far too lengthy to list and praise. If each and every one of us had half the amount of love she has in her heart we would have no wars or un-rest. These few words don’t correctly impact the way she is trying to change things bit by bit.


Jasmine Dudzik

My Mother

Now 86 and severely brain-damaged from an accident, she still is my idol for her lifelong care for any stray animal that found its way to our doorstep. She taught me to revere all life, animal and human.

Kathleen M Feese

Martha Stewart

She had the ability to maintain her professionalism and composure through a most humiliating public trial.

Ellen Parodi

Oprah Winfrey

She came from nothing and built an empire with talent, grace and dignity while maintaining a humanity that is rare in the world of money and success.

Roberta Weihsmann

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah has overcome an abusive childhood and climbing to the top and through the glass ceiling. She is strong though willing to admit the personal pain of her childhood and has helped others through their painful childhoods. Oprah has helped America to pick up on reading books with substance. She is my hero.

Cherrilynn Bisbano

Mrs. Collorulli

She was my high school art teacher and she helped me to realize that I am worth while and special. One day She pulled one of my drawings, that I thought was horrible, out of the garbage. (I felt nothing I did was good at the time) She held it up to the class and said “Who does this belong too?” I thought that she was very disappointed in my lion picture so I said nothing. Then she proceeded to say ” I want to give the person an “A” if they just add a bit more work to it!” She knew it was mine and she knew that I struggled with my self confidence. I did the work and received an A!

She hung my picture of a Lion on her “favorite art of the week” board. I don’t think she will ever know how much that meant to this, once, timid girl.

I have much more confidence in all that I do and almost 30 years later I still inspire to find the best in others. Thank you Mrs. Collorulli wherever you are!!!

Diane Schmitz

Shirley Streiz

Shirley came into my life when I was at a dead end job & my personal life sucked! Shirley started working with me (part time) & soon became my mentor! Because I lived alone, I never ate on a regular basis & my appearance was missing something. Shirley started to make me wonderful lunches & gave me many tips on my appearance. Because my mom passed when I was 15, I really didn’t have a mother figure to help me through the awkward years. 

Shirley became my best friend. She’d tell me if she was disappointed with me but was always an encouraging lady to me. She gave me the strength to stand up to my boss & I eventually left my dead beat job (with her help.) When I met the man of my dreams, Shirley was the first to meet him. She approved of him immediately. At my wedding, Shirley was there, standing proud. Even though Shirley is 30 years older than I, my respect for this lady is undying. 

I moved 7000 kms away from home, but each time I return, it is a must to see Shirley. We talk regularly on the phone & she is still giving me the advice that I so needed when I was younger. I love Shirley will all my heart. She is a saint that was sent to help me. Thanks to Shirley, I am in the right direction of life & I will always cherish this lady for being there for me.

Cheryl Johnson

Laura Bush

Mrs. Bush has brought so much poise and grace to the Whitehouse. She is a loving wife who supports her husband unconditionally and is a wonderful role model for all women. I appreciate her quiet demeanor and gentle beauty. She is definitely my idol.