
More Than That

A school building is so much more than simply a collection of building materials on a plot. It is a space where young minds will be moulded and the next generation are learning skills for jobs that might not even exist yet. The building is the hub for a whole community of teachers, cleaners, technicians, parents, pupils, governors and local businesses that are working together to create the best possible future for our children and young people.

A school building is so much more than simply a collection of building materials on a plot.

It sounds pretty inspirational right? And that’s because it is. I mean what could be more important than working together towards creating a brighter future with and for our children and young people? Indeed there has been significant amounts of research done into the built environment of schools and how this affects all those who work within it. It has been proven that different learning environments have a huge impact on the development and learning of children and young people.

Nobody appreciates and agrees with this more than up and coming eco-friendly companies such as TG Escapes Ltd who have been working for the past decade on improving school environments. They are a company who believe that school environments cannot be simply imposed on users or offered as a one size fits all solution. Instead they work with individual clients to create tailor made, modular based classrooms from eco-friendly and sustainable sources.

Using such buildings encourages all those within it to consider environmental citizenship as part of their daily routine. It also brings things such as sustainability, recycling, outdoor play, connecting with nature, creativity and design to the forefront of pupils and teachers minds, providing both a points of enquiry and answers to common questions around such buzz topics.

In addition the buildings themselves can be a valuable resource, providing extra space whilst contributing to schools efforts at becoming greener. The views offered from a more nature based classroom environment can be incredibly stimulating, providing motivation for those students for whom school life is particularly difficult whilst providing obvious inspiration for those interested in the Arts or the Craft and Design world.

Yes a school building is much more than simply a collection of building materials. It has the potential to be a hub that shouts out about a schools values, ethics and morals whilst providing valuable tools for the staff and students who use. it. Yes, a school building is much more than that.