
Features of Academic Writing

Academic writing is grounded on research. That is the reason why it is so complicated for many students. Each academic work has to contain research element. If it does not, it will not be a research paper. Your college or university professor will not accept it.

Essays, books reviews, thesis are quite hard to prepare. That is why more and more students purchase research paper online on the reliable writing platforms. Such services are designed for students who fear to write academic work. They propose the help of qualified writers to write academic papers.

Features of Academic Writing

Importance of Analysis for a Written Work

Fine analysis determines the final value of every academic work. You can’t omit it. In order to analyse information a person has to:

    • Find relevant academic literature. It has to concern the theme of your research or relate to it some way. In order to derive valuable conclusions, you have to analyse much literature.
    • You have to formulate correctly your research question. You can’t analyse everything you read about. Research questions will help you to narrow the area of the research.
    • You have to put your analytical conclusions into words. It is strange but many talented scientists fail to do it. Though, it is needed.

In research work content is very important. Your academic written piece has to bring new knowledge. It has to identify opportunities for further research in the field.

Academic Style And Its Requirements

Content of academic work is not the only thing strictly assessed by professors. Much importance academic style has. People can express their thoughts in different ways. People often use everyday language. But academic writing requires more intelligent lexics.

On top, every piece of such writing has to contain relevant terminology. Transition words and phrases are also good to use. They will make the syntax of your sentences more advanced.

When you create an academic work you should not forget about additional style requirements:

  • You have to use the right text formatting. Each research institution defines its proper rules. You should check with your professor the ones you should use.
  • Specific reference style. There are many academic styles. Oxford, Harvard and many others are popular. Check which one is required. You do not have to adjust your reference list manually. There are citation machines. They are very helpful.

Writing for academia is not easy. But it is very useful. It will teach you:

  • To organise your time well. Research work takes much time. The success in this work depends on how properly a person organises his personal time. Time-management skills will also be useful in your adult life.
  • To comply with rules and regulations. Even if you give up research career this ability will be very useful. In business sphere, for example, it is indispensable.


It is very useful to learn academic writing basics. This skill is necessary for every person. Even if your struggle to write research papers, multiple trials will guarantee your success. Do not be afraid to risk. Work on your skills and you will be successful.