Parenting & Family

Thirty-Five, Fabulous, and Pregnant

We’re living in an age where we no longer have to be married and pregnant by 25 or forever succumb to spinsterhood. Women want careers. We want success. We want education. In the pursuit of all of our goals, marriage and child-rearing are often put on the backburner and schedule for a later date in our lives. And why not? We can have it all if we so choose.

Thirty-Five, Fabulous, and PregnantSo if you are finding that you are starting to experience baby fever at your age, don’t shy away from pregnancy just because you are 35 or older. Instead arm yourself with the necessary.

Reduced Fertility

Whether we like it or not, there’s no denying that the older we get, the less fertile we become. Women desiring an advanced age pregnancy may struggle to become pregnant and may be more susceptible to miscarriage. However, there are measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of miscarriage and increase the likelihood of conception.

Folic acid is essentially the super vitamin of pregnancy. By taking folic acid prior to pregnancy, you can increase your chances of conception while simultaneously reducing the likelihood of brain and spinal cord defects.

Pregnancy Complications

Advanced age pregnancies are also more prone to complications and pregnancy-related diseases such as diabetes and preeclampsia. To reduce the likelihood of pregnancy-related diseases, women need to maintain adequate health. Consider seeing a dietitian to maintain a healthy pregnancy diet, a personal trainer who tailors to pregnant women to find a safe and effective workout routine, and your physician for regular weigh-ins and checkups to make sure you’re maintain optimal health.

It is also important to note that women who regular exercise before and during pregnancy typically have shorter delivery times, recover more quickly from birth, and lose baby weight more quickly. However, because excessive or strenuous exercise can be harmful to pregnant women, it is very important that you consult a professional before committing to an exercise regimen.

Genetic Abnormalities

Advanced aged pregnancies have a greater likelihood genetic abnormalities. Trisomies are one of the most likely genetic abnormalities experienced by women 35 years or older, and trisomy 21, the cause of Down syndrome, is the most common. Because you are considering an advanced aged pregnancy, it is important that you consider prenatal DNA testing as part of your pregnancy care. These types of tests ordered by your physician can test for trisomy 21, 18, and 13. Knowing whether or not your pregnancy will contain genetic abnormalities will help you better plan for your family, and give you the knowledge needed to find all necessary resources so you can make your journey into parenting a successful one.

Don’t let fear keep you from starting a family. The aforementioned concerns can affect any pregnancy. The simple truth of the matter is that advanced age pregnancies are more prone to difficulties than those that occur earlier in life. This doesn’t mean that your pregnancy won’t be healthy. Many women 35 years and older have healthy pregnancies without complications. Simply eat healthy, work out, watch your weight, and take the necessary precautions to insure that you are fabulous and pregnant even at 35.