Parenting & Family

Signs of Pregnancy Labor

After nine months of gestation and preparing for your new arrival you are now approaching the home stretch to becoming a mother. During the weeks leading up to labor and delivery your body and baby will be making final adjustments for labor. Your hip joints will loosen up, your cervix will begin to dilate, and the baby will flip so that its head is facing down and it will move into the birth canal. All that is left now is to wait for the contractions to begin.

Signs That Labor Will Start Soon

There are several signs that labor will start soon. Some of these signs are subtle, while others are more dramatic. First of all your baby will flip into the birthing position with their head facing downward. When this occurs you may notice a dropping sensation and your belly will physically look lower then it did during the other parts of your pregnancy. As the baby moves into the birth canal will also notice that you have less pressure on your diaphragm, making it easier to breathe.

As labor draws closer you may also notice that your appetite has diminished. This is due to the fact that your stomach has been reduced to the size of a nickel, however, it is also due to the fact that your hormone levels are again changing. Acid reflux and heart burn are other symptoms that you may experience during this final stage of your pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks Contractions may also indicate that you are getting closer to the real thing. These practice contractions are a strong sign that you are getting closer to delivering your baby. Many first time mothers confuse strong Braxton Hicks Contractions with the real things, however, when you get your first real contraction you will see the difference right away.

The most obvious signs that you are entering labor are that your mucus plug is passed and your water breaks. Both of these events are unmistakable signs that you are starting labor. When your water breaks there is no turning back, you are about to become a mother. This is a good time to contact your doctor to see if you should wait or come into the hospital or birthing center.


Labor begins when you start having regular contractions. Contractions are synchronized muscle spasms that stretch the cervix open and that also push the baby through the birth canal. Contractions will start out irregular and spaced out. You will usually not want to leave for the hospital or birthing center until your contractions are regular and coming every 5 minutes.

Dealing With Labor

There are many ways that you can deal with the pain associated with labor. Your first option is to be medicated. The epidural is the most popular pain management option selected for labor. It is safe for the baby and it helps to take the edge off of contractions. Your second option is to use special breathing techniques and relaxation techniques to manage your pain during labor. This method is the safest for the baby because it doesn’t introduce the infant to drugs. Your final option is to use a combination of medication and Lamaze breathing techniques to manage your pain.