Parenting & Family

Positive Parenting – All your Parenting questions answered by Kelly McCausey

I leave my 3 year old son at a daycare. I get regular complaints that he is very aggressive and possessive. He does not share his toys with anyone and hits whoever comes to take them from him. Please help me this problem for he will be joining school shortly. He is our only child.

Read Kelly’s Answer

My daughter, aged 13, is a tomboy. She hangs aound with boys, loves sports and believes in body building. While other girls of her age fantasize about boys and go out on dates, she has her eyes glued to the sports channel or is busy sweating out. Is this abnormal? Should I coax her into behaving like a proper girl? If yes, how do I go about it? Please help!

Read Kelly’s Answer



Kelly McCausey is a busy single Mom in northern Michigan. She writes about women’s issues, working at home and parenting. You can read more of her writing at  and .