Parenting & Family

From Crib to Bed: Upgrading Your Child’s Sleeping Arrangements

Kids grow up fast, but it’s easy to not notice when they’re doing it right in front of you. However some moments are designed to make you stop, and take stock of exactly how far your little one has really come.

Bunk Beds for Kids Room

One of these moments is when you realise your child has grown out of their present sleeping arrangements. Maybe they’re physically too big to remain in their present bed, or maybe you just know that they’re mature enough to handle the responsibility of sleeping in a more grown up environment.

Involve Your Child

Transitioning your child out of their present bed can be a difficult time. Luckily there are many different ways to make this process easier, both for your child and for you. If you’re concerned at all, it’s best to first have a look around for some expert advice that can help you – there’s plenty of it online.

One thing that will make this time easier is if you, the parent, are able to find a bed that will suit both your child’s needs and their particular tastes. After all, if your child is ready to sleep in a more grown up bed, then they’re definitely ready to have some input into what this bed might look and feel like. Children often have very defined tastes of their own and if you don’t include them in this process, they may feel as though their opinions are being devalued. As a result, they may not be as comfortable in their new surroundings as you hoped.

Choosing the Right Bed

There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to kids beds, which is great news for parents with specific needs. If you’re short on space, for example, you may wish to find a bed which has storage built in underneath. Similarly, if you’ve got two kids sleeping in the same room a bunk bed may be the perfect way to free up some floor space.

Some parents also find that it’s easier to transition their smaller children into bigger beds if they can make the process a bit more fun. This is where novelty beds come in. Companies like MPIH Limited offer a wide selection of novelty beds which includes frames suitable for both boys and girls, such as a tractor design or a carriage bed for your little princess.