Parenting & Family

2nd Trimester of Pregnancy

During the 2nd trimester of pregnancy you are going to notice that you feel much better. You probably will no longer have morning sickness, your energy levels will return to normal, and you will feel “normal” again. However, while you may feel more like your old self at the beginning of the 2nd trimester, later on in this trimester you will start to have amazing first time experiences.

What to Expect in the 2nd Trimester

When you first enter your 2nd trimester around month four of your pregnancy you will notice that you no longer have morning sickness, and most of your food aversions have subsided. Because of these improvements you will begin to put on weight during this trimester. Weight gain can be a little traumatic for some women, especially if they have always been thin or if they have had body image issues in the past. To overcome the trauma of gaining a substantial amount of weight over the next several months simply remember that you are not getting fat, instead you are being blessed with a new life.

In addition to improving your physical and emotional state during the 2nd trimester you will start to feel the baby move for the first time around the fourth month. This is a very exciting moment for most mothers, as it may be the first time that they really “feel pregnant.” During the 2nd trimester the developing baby will have hit many of its own milestones including: growing teeth buds, producing insulin, producing urine, and developing its sexual organs. If you want to, you can get an ultra-sound done during this trimester to determine the sex of the baby.

Staying Healthy During the 2nd Trimester

Staying healthy during the 2nd trimester is a lot like staying healthy during the other trimesters. You will want to engage in low impact exercise several times during the week. You will want to maintain a healthy diet that is rich in folic acid, calcium, and iron, and that is without caffeine and harmful substances. Finally, you will want to continue taking your prenatal vitamins.

During your 2nd trimester you will need to start visiting your doctor about once a month. Your doctor will chart your progress by measuring the size of your growing belly, your weight, and by charting any problems that you may be having. Your doctor will also be watching you to see if you develop any pregnancy related complications like gestations diabetes, pre term labor, and high blood pressure.

Preparing for Baby

During the 2nd trimester you may be feeling a lot more “maternal” and you may start gathering together items for your baby. However, it is probably still too early to really start setting up baby furniture. Remember, you still have several months to go, and you don’t want your baby things to be covered in dust and mites. However, you may start stretching exercises and take parenting and labor classes during this trimester.

Related Links:

Tips to Healthy Pre-Pregnancy Planning

Harmful Environmental Agents for Pregnancy

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