
Why You Should Buy British

If you’re shopping in the UK, you might have noticed that most of the stuff you’re buying is produced or manufactured overseas. Your lamb was reared in New Zealand, your tomatoes were grown in Israel and your peppers came to be in the Canary Islands! But, while it’s great to import and export goods with other countries, it’s a myth to think we no longer make anything wonderful in Britain. We do! Here are five reasons you should continue to support trade with other countries, but invest in Britain once in a while too…

Why You Should Buy British

1. High standards

Buying food produce from Britain is a tip top way of ensuring you’re eating tasty things that have been made to British standards. British growers (working under direction of the European Union) have to meet high environmental laws, standards and regulations, which means that consumers like us can be sure that we’re tucking in a dinner that’s safe to eat. Buying from British producers also means that we can benefit from crop-boosting methods of farming, such as seed treatment from and pelleting in a way that’s closely monitored.

2. Ethical regulation

Buying British means also means buying ethically-produced food that lives up to the regulatory standards set by the UK government, as well as being able to choose to buy animal products such as eggs and meat from farmers who use free-range hens, and don’t use stalls, tethers and hormones for cattle.

Buying from Britain also means we’re looking after people. By not relying solely on imported produce, we don’t need to lean on overseas workers and land in a way that doesn’t comply with our environmental and labour laws. Instead, buying British produce means we’re doing our bit as consumers to uphold ethical production of the food we eat, fair wages and safe working conditions.

3. Supports the British economy

Buying British generates a demand for a workforce to help our economy thrive. It also means that we can support independent British businesses to flourish by opting to give them our cash once in a while, rather than investing it in to sources we don’t know so well. And this is particularly important for our food industry – supporting British farmers, local markets and independent shops safeguards against our local communities disappearing.

4. Reduces our environmental impact

By investing in products made in Britain we reduce the impact of transporting food across the world. Ultimately, this lessens the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, which means that we’re able to reduce our carbon footprint. Another bonus of buying British is that it challenges us to expand our culinary knowledge by buying food in season – and who doesn’t get excited about juicy apples in autumn or ripe, red strawberries in summer?

5. Bolsters British traditions

Finally, buying British means strengthening our collective sense of heritage and patriotism.
If we have to indulge in some English strawberries, Scotch whisky and Cornish cream to stopthem disappearing, who are we to argue…?