
Protect your Pet from Winter Hazards

Every season holds dangers for animals but the winter months can be especially hazardous, so whether you have a cat or a dog, make sure that you take extra care to protect your pet. Here are four hazards to look out for this winter.

Protect your Pet from Winter Hazards

Frozen Lakes

If you are a pet owner, you will be used to wrapping up warm and taking your dog on a winter walk. However, freezing temperatures can turn your local park into an ice rink so be sure to keep your pet away from frozen lakes. Your dog can easily fall through thin ice and therefore taking extra precautions is wise. Remember to call 999 rather than making a rescue attempt yourself should your dog fall in a frozen lake. Ensuring that your pet’s collar has an identity tag can also help should you dog stray in freezing conditions while off the lead.

Hot Engines

When the temperatures drop, pets automatically gravitate to warm areas and this includes your car engine. Cats tend to seek shelter near car engines and can be seriously injured when the car engine is started. Always check for stowaways before you start your car on a morning.

Chemical Poisoning

De-icer, grit and windscreen wiper fluid may make our lives easier in winter but all of these things are deadly to animals. If you have a dog or a cat, take extra care to keep these substances out of reach of curious pets. Seek immediate advice from a vet if you see any signs of poisoning think your cat or dog may have ingested one of these poisonous substances.


Your dog may have a thick winter coat but that doesn’t mean they are immune to winter weather. If you keep your dog outside, it is essential that you provide your pet with adequate shelter. Invest in a dog house and make sure that it is well insulated to protect your dog from the elements. Check on your pet throughout the day and keep an eye on their water supple to make sure it hasn’t frozen. If you plan to take your dog on winter walks, a coat may be required especially if your dog is small or has thin fur.

These are just a few ways to look after your pet in winter. Protecting your pet from the cold is mostly common sense however; the above tips will ensure that your pet stays warm and safe throughout the winter season.