
8 Reasons Why You Should Move Your Family Out Of The City This Year

There are many reasons why people set up home in the city, and most of them relate to work and finances, but sometimes you just have to work out your priorities and make a change. While urban locations might be perfect for you and your partner, the little people in your family probably don’t feel the same way. If you’ve never lived in quiet towns or the countryside before, the post you’re reading at the moment will highlight some of the top reasons why this is a good idea. Once you’ve considered all the points I’m going to make, you should have a much better understanding of why this move is essential for the happiness and wellbeing of every one of your family members.

Obviously, relocating is going to involve a lot of work and effort on your part, which is why you need to get in touch with a reputable solicitor to help deal with the legal side of things. The internet is your friend for this endeavour, and so checking out websites like Breens Online should be at the very top of your priorities. You’ll have enough to think about with finding a new property, packing and arranging the move, so the last thing you want to do is leave matters like this until the last minute.

Benefits of Moving out of the city

Here are 8 reasons why you should move your family out of the city in 2014…

1. The City Is Far Too Noisey

While it might be fine for high powered business people looking to live near to the office, for the most part, cities are far too noisy for kids. Asking them to go to bed at 8pm simply isn’t feasible when you know for a fact cars will still be driving past and hitting their horns all night long. On top of this, when the time reaches about 1am, you can bet your bottom dollar the people falling out of local bars make a hell of a lot of noise as they pass your building. In the countryside, this is hardly ever a problem.

2. Countryside Air Is Cleaner

Although we don’t have a massive problem with pollution in the UK, many cities do experience a king of smog at certain times. It’s not bad enough for doctors do warn about the health dangers, but it’s guaranteed your children’s lungs will be affected to some extent in later life. Moving to a quiet town or village will mean they constantly breathe the cleanest and safest air in the country, especially if you chose a location near the coast where sea breezes ensure you’re never inhaling exhaust fumes or smoke from power plants.

3. Your Kids Can Play Outside

One of the main problems with living in a built up area is that your children will be unable to play outside without you being present. While you want to discourage this until they’re around ten or eleven anyway, moving to the countryside or a small housing estate somewhere in the suburbs will mean they’ll be able to enjoy the great outdoors without venturing near busy main roads that could place them at a serious risk. Also, you’ll know the majority of people living within close proximity after a few months, and this means you’ll feel much more positive about letting them play out on their own.

4. Stress Levels Will Decline

As you’re already a city-dweller; the chances are that your job provides you with more than your fair share of stress already, so you don’t need to deal with even more when you get home, right? Opting to leave the hustle and bustle of the fast lane this year could be just enough to help you avoid that mental breakdown so many other people experience at one time or another. Ask any psychiatrist, and they’ll tell you the more relaxing your environment becomes, the more relaxed you will be.

5. Your Children Will Make Lots Of Friends

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed throughout my time on this planet, it’s that kids who spend the majority of their childhood in small towns and villages tend to have better friends. Of course, this is a sweeping generalisation, and so it isn’t true in every circumstance. However, out of all the people I know, it’s the ones who didn’t grow up in a city who stick with the same mates for life. No matter where they go and what they do, the people they knew when they were younger will always be at the end of the phone just waiting for the day to come when they’ll see each other again.

6. It’s A Fresh Start

There’s nothing like turning over a new leaf and making a fresh start. Regardless of what’s happened in your life over the last few years, sometimes you just need to get away from it all to work out what’s important. It’s not only your children who will make new friends when you relocate, far from it. It’s likely both you, and your partner will also find yourselves mixing with a new crowd, and that can only be a good thing.

7. Your Bills Will Decrease

You don’t have to be an economist to know that city living is expensive. Not only are household bills inflated when you reside in an area like this, but so is everything else you buy. For instance, a packet of 20 cigarettes in a small English town will cost you on average around £8 at the moment. Travel within ten miles of any city though, and this increased to around £10 – not that I’m encouraging anyone to start smoking you understand. It’s just an example.

8. You’ll All Live Longer

Here’s an interesting fact for you. The average life expectancy in Manchester, London and Birmingham works out to be around 79 for men and a little higher for women. In contrast, when you look at the figures for smaller areas, this number can jump past 81 years, so in moving to the countryside, you will, in fact, ensure you live slightly longer. The same goes for your kids.

Well guys, if after reading that you’re still not convinced, there’s no helping you. You might as well just go suck on an exhaust pipe right now, as this is what you’ll effectively be doing for the remainder of your life. Please give the relocation idea some extra thought because I guarantee your children will thank you when they’re older.

You’ll make the right decision in the end; I’m sure of it.

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