
Figuring Out What To Do In The Future

Trying to figure out how to best live your life is a question that you will ask yourself irrespective of how old you are. You could be in your 20s and feel completely lost, or in your 30s and think that you had it all figured out, only to wake up and realize that you are no longer happy with your current path in life. What you are experiencing is normal, either way.

Figuring Out What To Do In The Future

Many adults are still waking up in the morning, taking each day one at a time. Don’t beat yourself up if you just graduated high school or even college for that matter, and you are feeling lost.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when thinking about your future.

It’s okay to take time

There is no need to rush when making big life decisions. This is particularly important when it comes to choosing your program of study and future career.

Despite the pressure you may feel from the world at certain points, you always need to make the best decision for yourself. Remember, it’s your life and no one else’s.

It’s normal to feel lost

It’s normal to question your direction and to feel lost. In fact, this is a moment in your life where you will learn a lot about yourself.This is an opportunity for you to kindle your curious spirit.

Pursue different hobbies and activities, and open yourself up to new experiences, until you find something that truly resonates with you.

Take the time to travel

If you’ve ever had an urge to travel, it’s never too late to do it. The ideal time for long-term travel is right when you finished school, but if you feel that your career has hit a dead-end and or you want to change directions, take a break.

There is no better time to travel, and the benefits of you doing so are plentiful. You’ll open yourself up to new insights through the people you meet and the places you visit. You can certainly guarantee that you will walk away from travel feeling different than you did before.


Volunteer in order to make a difference and become inspired along the way. Whether you already have a job or not, taking some time to volunteer, especially for a cause that you believe in, will benefit you and those around you.

You are helping build a sense of community, and in doing soyou are also strengthening your bonds with those around you.

Value the time you spend with friends and family

The older you get, the more you will realize that certain people in your life will come and go. However, those who are meant to stay truly do stick around.

Don’t underestimate the importance of maintaining relations with friends and family members that support you. After a long day at work, or when you simply feel defeated and more lost than ever, these are the people that you want to have around you.

They will make a big difference in your life.

Pursue courses and a degree that you enjoy

Whether it’s a certificate, an undergraduate degree or a master’s program, it’s always important to pursue something that you enjoy. Naturally, you will need to think about the money factor unless you plan on camping in a forest for a majority of your life, but if so many other people are able to figure out, you will also be just fine.

After all, with the advancements in technology, there are renowned institutions such as James Cook University in Australia that offer you the possibility to get your degree online. You can read more about this on their website: JCU Online.

Don’t forget that while you are getting any type of degree, you should make use of all the resources that you have available at your disposal. Rather than going straight home from class – join a club, get to know your peers, talk to your academic professors and soak up as much information as you can.

Make time for self-care

Whether you need to place reminders in your phone, write a note and stick it on the fridge, you need to make time for self-care. Taking care of your mental and physical well-being can make a big difference to your quality of life, and you need to find room for it.

This is something that you have to do whether you are in school, working, unemployed, or no matter what else you are doing in your life. Perhaps you are a parent with kids and spend all of your attention on your children. While this is important, realize that you have to take care of yourself first, before you can properly take care of others around you.

Habits such as getting enough sleep every night, eating a well-balanced diet, and working out will improve your day-to-day mood, and of course, lower your risk of countless diseases.

On those days that you feel uninspired, consider booking a trip to the spa, or even going for a run. Sitting down in the same spot certainly will not help you.

Moreover, consider picking up meditation – there’s a reason the apps for it are so popular among people.

You can always change your direction

Never feel as if you are stuck on a particular path. If you don’t like your degree, or if you are unhappy with your current career you can change your direction. You are never tied to anything, and if you say you are, it might be your fear talking. Take a leap of faith on yourself, and pursue the life that you want to live.

Your future may work out exactly as you hoped, or it may turn out completely different. Both scenarios are okay, but you need to remember that nothing will happen if you just sit on your couch, waiting for something to fall from the sky.

If you want to progress your career, you will have to take courses, volunteer, look for job experience, network and so on. Use your failure as a learning experience, and always push forward with your life, especially when you feel like you’ve hit a wall. These are pivotal moments, and you can always shape your future depending on your outlook and the type of action that you take moving forward.