Love & Relationships

My boyfriend is always looking at other women. Should I dump him?

Problem: My boyfriend is always looking at other women. It’s really embarrassing at times. Is this normal or should I dump him?

Francis’ Solution: There are two types of ‘Roving Male Eye'(RME) – one which involves a man glancing admiringly at another women, which lets face it is (A) harmless and (B) something that both sexes do from time to time. The other, however, is when a man shamelessly turns his head and letches after every other women that crosses his path, which in public is both embarrassing and disrespectful. If he falls into the second category and his eyeballs seem magnetised by every passing pair of breasts then you need to speak to him.

But how do you bring something like this up? Well, I used to date a guy who had a particular bad case of RME. Once, in a restaurant, a very attractive girl passed our table and he practically swivelled around on his chair to follow her every movement as she strode towards the bar. When he finally snapped out of it and returned to the table I was waiting for him: “Would you rather be with her than me?”

Red faced, his eyes never left the table for the remainder of the evening.

Francis Deacon. Relationship expert for the International dating site