Love & Relationships

Law of Attraction – Oprah and Deepak Meditation Challenge Day 10

On day 10 of the ‘miraculous relationships’ meditation challenge, I was reminded of the universal truth – We attract, what we are. Oprah, who I consider to be somewhat an authority on human relations, acknowledged in the introduction that she has experienced the Law of Attraction in her dealings with every person she has ever come in contact with.

The Law of Attraction

In simple words, the powerful key to unlocking better relationships was revealed to us today. A single line from the Latin poet Ovid says it all:

“To be loved, be lovable.” - Onid

“To be loved, be lovable.”

The law holds true for everyone. We tend to be around people who are like us. And receive from them what we give them. Instead of trying to change everyone else around me, I am going to try to change myself and become what I wish to attract. Surely, following this universal law, I will then attract people who will be like the ‘new’ me!

Or as Deepak had reminded on the 1st day, “What you Seek, is Seeking You'”. All this is summed up beautifully in the centering thought for the day:

I Attract that which I Am.

I Attract that which I Am - Deepak Chopra and Oprah Meditation Challenge

Letting Go of Hatred

The universal Law of Giving and Receiving teaches us that in order to receive something in our lives, we need to give it freely and without expectation. If we want to experience more love, we need to be lavish in our own expression of love. To receive acceptance, we need to be open and accept others.

 “You must be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

"You must be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Now that I know I am loved and accepted by the universe, the only thing I need to do is make an effort to let go of the unloving thoughts inside. The world around me is going to reflect what I am. So, I need to instill love, peace, trust, compassion, joy, passion, inspiration, thoughtfulness, and generosity in my heart in order to receive them back.


The daily meditation begins after focusing on the centering thought of the day. Today, it was all about attracting the same kind of people who are like me. For quite some moments, my mind kept playing a slideshow of people who are close to me and I kept drifting to doing a self-diagnosis of my qualities that had attracted those people to me. All this when I was trying to meditate. In today’s teachings, I was made to be the center….the reason for everything happening around me and this requires a fair amount of soul searching. I had to remind myself again and again to focus on my mantra and leave the soul searching for later. After a few moments, I did manage to bring all my attention to the mantra.