Home & Garden

Window Cleaning Tips

Window cleaning may seem to be a tough job but here are a few tips that will help in cleaning your window easily. 1 The most important thing is to use the right tools. Use the professional squeegees, soap and applicators.

2 Always start cleaning your window with a clean scrubber or lambs wool applicator, sponge and/or porcupine cleaner. A dirty applicator can leave dirt behind. Rinse the scrubber frequently if you are cleaning many windows, especially dirty windows.

3 Make sure you never clean your windows in direct sunlight. The sun can superheat the glass and cause all sorts of streaking problems.

4 Hold the squeegee at an angle so the water runs down the glass. You don’t want water flowing from both ends of the squeegee.

5 After each squeegee stroke, you must wipe the rubber blade with your lint free cloth. Placing a wet squeegee on the glass will leave a blade mark.

6 When you are first washing the window with the scrubber, use a liberal amount of cleaning water. You want the dirt to come off the window with this solution. Use a decent amount on interior glass surfaces, but not so much as to cause standing water on woodwork.

7 There will always be watermarks or spots at the edge of the windowpane. After all squeegee action is complete, wipe the entire window edge with the lint free cloth.

8 Practice with the squeegee when you first get it. It may be hard to control. Professionals often use an 18-inch model. You might want to start with a 12-inch squeegee and work your way up to a larger model once you develop good hand/eye coordination.

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