Home & Garden

Halt Escalating Energy Bills

lower electricity billsIt is that time of year again when the energy companies sit back and relax whilst raking in the big money that sees them reach ever growing profit margins each year. The majority of us wait with baited breath for the dreaded letter in its utilitarian brown envelope. The letter that tells us of price hikes of five, ten or even twenty percent this winter. Even without extra usage for additional heating in our houses and warm water for showers and baths, that is a lot of extra money to find.

It is that time of year again when the energy companies sit back and relax whilst raking in the big money that sees them reach ever growing profit margins each year. The majority of us wait with baited breath for the dreaded letter in its utilitarian brown envelope. The letter that tells us of price hikes of five, ten or even twenty percent this winter. Even without extra usage for additional heating in our houses and warm water for showers and baths, that is a lot of extra money to find.

So what can we do to if not to halt to at least slow down the rate of our escalating energy bills this winter?  I recommend a two pronged approach of getting the cheapest possible supplier whilst using as little energy as possible.

Consider your supplier as not all companies have announced the same increases. Use a comparison website to check what is included in different packages and also consult money saving forums to read expert views as well as customer experiences from around the country; A lot of experts are suggesting switching to a fixed price tariff to avoid the upcoming price hikes.

You can even join The Cheap Energy Club which is a brilliant and guaranteed 100% free service that compares your current supply and tariff to every other one available. It will tell you if you are on the cheapest one and if not suggest alternatives. It even monitors the situation for as long as you’re a member and can email or text you if there are cheaper options available.

Next consider how efficient your home is. Do you need to add insulation to your walls or attic space? Are your windows and doors tightly fitted with out chill-inducing draughts? What about energy saving products? Have you fitted energy saving light bulbs into all of your fittings? How about considering using a timer switch to reduce electricity usage?

And of course, nothing saves electricity like not using it in the first place. So think about whether you really need that lamp on, switch off lights as you leave rooms and turn off any electric appliances that you aren’t using. Don’t whatever you do leave them on the dreaded standby! And for heat, there is always another layer in the wardrobe that you can wear. This saves on bills and saves the planet too, so halt your bills and save the planet today!