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How to Grow Goldenrod (Solidago)

Goldenrod is a great choice for summer or late summer gardens or early fall when it blooms. Choosing the appropriate variety is the key to easy maintenance as some varieties of Solidago can become very invasive.

How to Grow Goldenrod

Choosing Goldenrod for Your Garden

Choose a variety that does not invade your garden. Some recommended varieties are S. ‘Crown of Rays’ which does not grow higher than 2 ft. and S. ‘Goldenmosa’ which bears bright yellow flowers and grows upto 2.5 ft. There are also some dwarf varieties you might want to consider. Look for goldenrods in local nurseries during spring or early summer.

Planting Goldenrod

Goldenrod requires a moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun and preferably only a light shade. Use an organic fertilizer lightly and space the plants about a foot apart taking care not to plant them too deep. Water the soil to make it moist. Plant with asters to make wonderful color schemes in your late summer of fall gardens.

Caring for Goldenrod

Goldenrod grows well in nearly all conditions and does not require much maintenance if you choose the right variety. Water lightly daily and take care not to over water. For collecting seeds, allow seedheads to dry on plants, then remove and collect seeds. To propagate, by division when the plants are dormant, or from herbaceous stem cuttings in spring.