Home & Garden

5 Ways To Save Money In Your Home When Downsizing

Moving home doesn’t necessarily have to mean moving somewhere bigger. There are actually many benefits that come with downsizing your home. Perhaps you are contemplating it because the kids have moved out and you just don’t need the space anymore, or you are struggling with the costs that come with living in a larger house.

5 Ways To Save Money In Your Home When Downsizing
5 Ways To Save Money In Your Home When Downsizing

One concern about moving to a smaller home could be this – how you are going to fit all your belongings from a four-bedroom house, into a two-bedroom property? Don’t worry; there is an easy solution to this. First of all it is an opportunity to sell anything unwanted, and also to make some money to buy something for your new home! Anything that is left over can be put into storage until you need it, places such as Kelly’s Mobile Self Storage will collect it directly from your door and store it safely until a time that you need it again.

A major benefit to a smaller home is that there are fewer rooms to keep clean and tidy, but more importantly you will save money – both of these factors are bound to increase your happiness and improve your lifestyle. Not only will downsizing make you money in the first place when you sell a more expensive house and purchase a cheaper one, it will also come with smaller costs in the long run.

Here are five further ways to save money when downsizing your home:

  1. Cutting the Maintenance

Less space to maintain over time will translate to less money spent. You won’t have spent as much money in the first place to decorate the rooms, as there aren’t so many of them. Then as home improvement projects arise not as many walls will need painting, less carpet will need fitting and fewer furnishings will have to be replaced.

  1. Household Expenses

Rent or mortgage, plus heating, electricity, water and council tax – these seemingly never-ending bills will be much more reasonable and less of a worry in a smaller home. There is no point paying to heat a four-bedroom house when two of those rooms are not actually being used. By downsizing your home you are only paying bills for the space that you are actually using.

  1. Going Green is Cheaper

It is cheaper to make water-saving and energy-saving updates to a home with a smaller space and less appliances. This will in turn save even more money on those ongoing energy bills.

  1. Less Temptation to make Extravagant Purchases

You know that running machine that your friend has in the corner of the room that she’s using as a clothes dryer? Without the space for these expensive items, you can’t be tempted to shell out a load of money for something that you probably don’t really need. Plus, you have less rooms to fill which means less furniture!

  1. Less Money Spent on Cleaning

This could either be through less money spent on help around the house, as the cleaner you needed to help keep your larger home tidy is no longer needed. Or, if you didn’t have a cleaner, a smaller space will also mean less is spent on cleaning products over time. Likewise you will save a lot of time, and you know what they say – time is money!

Over time you can use all the money you have saved by living in a smaller home to treat yourself!A well-earned week of sun, sea and sand in the Caribbean, maybe?