Home & Garden

5 Home Renovation Techniques You’d Never Thought Of

Every now and again our homes need a little TLC. We all want to get the most from our rooms and should always be on the lookout for tips and techniques to maximise the potential of our living space.

5 Home Renovation Techniques You’d Never Thought Of

When it comes to renovating one or more of the rooms in a property you’ve got a real opportunity: it’s your chance to think big and do something really different with your space or furniture. Cast aside your preconceptions and take inspiration from these five ideas:

Vacuum baseboards

We all face an uphill struggle to keep the home clean, especially if we lead busy lives and have big families to look after. Fitting a vacuum baseboard from vacumaid.com can be a big help to ease the burden and be a neat renovation to your home. This leaves you with a small inlet in your baseboard that can suck up dust and dirt – ideal for rooms with hard floors and especially kitchens where you’ll inevitably create a mess that needs to be cleared away.

Under the stairs

There are a great many ways to use the space under your stairs more efficiently and make them into more than just a functional part of your home. Some might use it for simple storage – and that can be a neat idea, removing things like shoes from sight – but there is the potential to do something fun here too. From book shelves under each step through to the creation of a cozy reading corner, it’s possible to open up an under-used part of your home and make a positive feature of it.

Inspiration from industry

Why not take inspiration from the world of work? The theory behind many industrial working practices could easily be applied to home renovation projects around the house. Ok, so you might not be able to deploy an Airblast AFC blast room, but stripping back the old paintwork of furniture items can help you to give them a new lease of life. Embrace the trend of upcycling and make better use of your existing items.

The high life

Want to renovate your property and build in an extra bedroom but don’t want to have to pay for a big extension? Think upwards and you might have the answer. Location Location Location’s Phil Spencer said: “The easiest way to get an extra bedroom or bathroom is to build a loft.It’s not particularly disruptive, either, as most of the work can be done from outside.” If your loft is the right size and the access is good, then this could really transform your home.

The great outdoors

Sure, you could just tidy up your borders and keep the grass cut…but that’s mere maintenance. Give your outdoor space a renovation by adding a new purpose to it. Consider an outdoor cinema for an atmospheric summer evening showing of your favourite film or your own personal sandy beach space with a fire pit to keep you warm well into the night. Too many people are only prepared to be bold and brave indoors and remain conservative outdoors. Don’t be one of them.