Home & Garden

10-Hours (or 10-Days) To A Spotless and Organized Kitchen

10-Hours (or 10-Days) To A Spotless and Organized KitchenSometimes it helps to organize a room all at once. However, for home-business owners, spending another entire day in the house isn’t always a desirable thing. What may be more desirable is to spend 60-minutes each day working on a project. The steps below will assist you (as they have me) to reorganize your kitchen.Day 1

~~if you don’t have a pad on your refrigerator, set aside a piece of paper somewhere in the kitchen for the next 10 days. Use the top part of the page for “things to buy” and the lower half for other notes.

~~put a chair in the middle of the kitchen floor and assess what needs to be done. Make a list.

~~start to pay attention to where you are placing things that are in the dishwasher. Take a mental note of what items are in cabinets that would be better off somewhere else.

~~take your step ladder out, clean the light fixtures and change any bulbs that aren’t working.Day 2

~~Question: What does an empty box, a step ladder, a telephone book, a cloth, a car and one hour have in common?

~~Answer: They’re what you’ll need to clean the pantry or if you don’t have one, your food cupboards. Remove all items you haven’t used in the past year… or won’t use in the next few months. Make sure everything is packed properly for storage. Then you can put unused/unwanted food in the box, contact your local non-profit food pantry, and put the box in your car (for now).Day 3

~~If you have a self-cleaning oven, turn it on when you wake up. If not, spray or clean the inside of the oven. Then later, rinse it off.

~~Defrost the refrigerator. It’s good to put everything in coolers then clean when everything is defrosted. Even frost-free’s need cleaning every now and then.Day 4

~~Put the stove burners, other stove and fan parts in the dishwasher. Clean the top of the range and fan.

~~Clean the inside of the dishwasher and outside of all appliances. Add jet dry to the dishwasher.Continued on Page 2