Holidays & Seasons

Are You Single with No Plans for Thanksgiving?

There were several years when I could not afford to go home both for Thanksgiving and for Christmas and had to choose one or the other. During those years, I usually spent Thanksgiving alone, depressed and lonely! But after a couple of sad Thursdays, I became determined not to have that kind of experience again. I made plans to enjoy the holiday, even if I was alone. And it worked!

Here’s what you can do if you’re facing Thanksgiving alone…

(1) Stock up on rentals of your favorite movies (avoid the depressing dramas). Include one you’ve never seen and watch that one first so it gets the best of your energy and attention.

If you want to try an experiment, read about cinematherapy and try at least one movie recommended as an antidote to loneliness.

(2) Take yourself out to dinner and bring along a book to read.

Or, play around with energetically extending your boundaries to include the other people there. See what it feels like to silently connect with them. I usually used both strategies.

(3) Touch base with your friends and family even if only by phone.

This strategy worked best when I at least loosely planned my calls with the other person. Talking to an answering machine when you’re trying to connect can be quite a letdown, but it helped when I let them know when I was planning to call.

(4) Create a new holiday tradition that gives you something to look forward to on Thanksgiving.

Mine was to start decorating right after Thanksgiving dinner. I often went to K-Mart (one of the only stores open) to buy a new ornament or decoration before going back home to transform my apartment into a holiday wonderland. I felt very empowered and nurtured!

(5) Nurture gratitude. Start a gratitude list when you wake up on Thanksgiving morning and add to it throughout the day. Connecting to nature may help you generate a rich sense of gratitude and wellbeing…

“The grandeur of the outdoors often forces us to open up and expand beyond ourselves. The horizon over the ocean, a canopy of trees that extends as far as we can see, the view from a mountain, a few moments spent by a running stream, or the crashing surf calls our hearts to overflow with awe, wonder, and yes, gratitude.”–Rachel Harris, Ph.D

(6) Spend time listening to music you love. Sing along, dance to it, close your eyes and let it wrap itself around you like a snuggly blanket. Let it fill you! Take a moment to revel in this music you love and to celebrate the you that loves it!

Related Article:

Thanksgiving and the Single Person

About the Author

Jeanine Byers, Savannah, GA, USA

Jeanine Byers is a certified healing coach who helps women discover and nurture their soul purpose and life mission. For the holiday season, she is offering a free holiday stress relief exercise so that your holiday experience will be calmer, steadier, more centered, more grounded and more abundant. She also offers 3 Days of Transformation to remove the blocks and resolve the issues that keep you from creating the life you really want–just in time for a new year of delight! Schedule a free consultation when you visit her website at