Food & Entertaining

Ice Cream Party Games

Whet up the appetite for ice-cream by having your guests play these creative ice cream party games before serving ice-cream at an ice cream party.

Ice Cream Party Games

  1. Drop Marshmallows into Ice Cream Cone

Ice Cream Party Games

Divide participants into groups of two. One player from each team has to lie down holding an ice cream cone in their mouths while the other climbs up on a chair and tries to aim marshmallows into the cone. The team with most marshmallows in the cone wins.


2. Know Thy Ice Cream

Know thy ice cream - Ice Cream Party Games

Serve different flavors of ice-cream in ice-cream cups and let the guests guess which ice-cream flavor it is by smelling it. All participants are blindfolded when they sniff so that they don’t see the color of the ice-cream.

3. Sort the Toppings

Sort the Ice Cream Toppings - Ice Cream Party Games

Mix a variety of dry toppings together in a bowl. For e.g. dried berries, pistachios, crushed candy, crushed cookies, sprinkles etc. Place smaller bowls labeled with the name of each topping around the large bowl. Each participant gets one minute to sort the toppings and put the separated topping ingredients in its proper bowl. Each topping is allotted marks depending upon how hard it is to pick it from the mixture. For example, on sorting one dried berry the participant gets only 4 points but one small sprinkle gets them 20 points. Total up the points for each and declare winners based on highest scores.

4. Ice Cream Relay Race

Ice Cream Cone Relay - Party Games

A relay race with an ice cream theme! The participants have to complete the race without toppling off any of the ice cream scoops!

5. Ice Cream Bean Bag Toss

Ice Cream Bean Bag Toss

Turn the traditional bean bag toss game into an ice cream party themed game by using a drawing of a large ice cream with holes cut out for tossing in the bags.

6. Pass the Cone

A great game for an indoor or outdoor party. Make a large cone using card stock and fill it with wrapped candies and pebbles. Make your guests sit in a circle and start the music. As the music plays, the cone is passed from one guest to another. When the music stops, the person holding the cone picks one wrapped object. If it turns out to be a candy, the person moves out of the circle and sits in the area of ‘Winners’. If it turns out to be a pebble, the person sits in the area of ‘Losers’. Game resumes and continues in the same way till all guests are split into Winners and Losers.

The ‘Losers’ pay a penalty by serving ice cream first to the ‘Winners’ and then to themselves.

7. Pin the Cherry on the Ice Cream

Pin the cherry on the ice cream - Ice Cream Party Game

Always a winner with guests of any age. Play the classic Pin game using the drawing of an ice cream and several cherries for pinning on it while blindfolded.