Food & Entertaining

How to make Stuffed Burgers

‘Stuffed’ burgers are actually ‘Stuffed’ Patties. A filling of your choice is stuffed between two patties, thereby making a mini patty burger within the actual burger. Here are some tips to make these exquisite Stuffed Burgers.

Spinach stuffed burger patties
Spinach stuffed burger patties

1. Take a Burger Patty and top it with a filling of your choice. Then top it with another patty. Seal the edges and cook.

2. Make thin patties or the double patty will make the resultant bigger patty and the burger large and unmanageable.

3. If cooking, use a WIDE spatula to flip and don’t flip too much. Cook on low temperature and for a longer time to avoid getting burned outer skin and raw insides.

stuffed burger patties
Burger patties stuffed with pickled red onions.

4. Mustard ketchup pickle cheese can be mixed and matched with other ingredients to make the stuffings. Some popular suggestions are:

  • Fresh mushrooms and Swiss cheese
  • Pepperoni with Sauce
  • Grated cheddar cheese, pickles slices and chopped onions
  • Mozzarella cheese, pizza sauce and pepperoni
  • Cooked pieces of mushrooms or other veggies with diced tomato and shredded cheese