Food & Entertaining

Halloween Party Games

Snatching at Faith

Stretch a string tightly across a doorway and from it, on strings, hang a doughnut a cotton ball, an apple, and an orange. With eyes closed, players try to catch one of the swinging items in their mouth.

The orange is caught, the player will enjoy wealth.

The doughnut, an easy sweet life.

The apple happiness; cotton , and unwed life. Taken from The Delineator, circa 1913.

Shoe Toss – Halloween Fortune Telling Game

Each player tosses a pair of slippers lightly into the air. The manner in which the slippers land on the floor tells the fortunes.

The code is:

Both upside down and not touching: Player will travel far and have no settled home.

Both right side up and not touching: Player will go on the stage.

Left slipper upside down: Future mate will be unselfish and kind.

Right slipper upside down: Future mate till be cross and selfish.

Both slippers crossed: Early marriage

Toes pointed in opposite direction: Marital difference of opinion.

Soles crossed one on another: Player will own a gold mine.

Taken from The Delineator, circa 1905.

Colonial Halloween Party Theme

Party Plans for a Spooktacular Halloween

Halloween Party Themes

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