Health & Fitness

Workout for a Beach Body in 30 Days

Not confident to walk on the beach yet? Get started with these exercises to get the perfect beach body quick and easy.

Workout for a Perfect Beach Body in 30 Days

* Note: These exercises should not be followed if you have existing or on going muscular or joint pain issues. Please consult your osteopath, general medical practitioner or other primary healthcare professional before starting any exercise program.

The months of March and April are often used to prepare the body for the summer. They are the months you can utilize to lose all the pounds you gathered over the winter season.

If you want to achieve quick results, a combination of exercises is very important. Cardio Fitness is perhaps the best method to lose some extra pounds. Combine this with some strength exercises, and you lose those love handles in half the time. Do these exercises regularly to tone every part of your body and make it flaunt-worthy.

Daily Routine for 6 Days of the Week(Sunday will be your rest day)

Push ups for Flabby ArmsFlabby Arms

Solution: Triceps push-ups

Triceps push-ups are perfect for the back of the upper arms. Start in the push (push up) position, where you put the arms under the shoulders. Bring the chest down while keeping the stomach and chest off the floor. Come back up and repeat ten times. Perform this series three times a day.

The best cardio supplement: Boxing

Exercise for Love HandlesLove Handles

Solution: Lateral stretching

A good exercise for the side of the hips and whole body. Lie on your side and keep yourself in balance by the arm. Keep your body in a straight line. Tighten your abdominal muscles, breathe deeply, stretch your upper leg diagonally up and keep it as long as possible. Try to hold the position for a minute. Repeat the exercise now reversed for the other side of the body.

The best cardio supplement: Swimming

Squats for toning buttocksButtocks

Solution: Squat exercises

Stand with legs slightly further apart than hips. Lower your body like you are sitting on a chair. Try to achieve an angle of ninety degrees. Keep your heels firmly on the ground. Now move slowly up and down ten times (at least ten centimeters). Then re-do it with the legs at an angle of 45 degrees. Repeat both series three times.

Doing these with a partner is also more fun!

The best cardio supplement: crosstrainer with high resistance.

Lunge Twist for Flat AbsBulging Belly

Solution: Lunge Twist

Hold a weight of five pounds right up your chest with elbows slightly bent and legs slightly spread position. Place your right foot forward now and drop down the weight slowly until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Turn to the right at the same time and back again. Repeat with your left leg and repeat this session ten times.

The best cardio supplement: Spiders or a cross trainer

Flabby Thighs

Solution: Lunge Clock Workout

Lunges for Toned ThighsStand with your legs wide apart and your hands on your hips. Imagine that you are on a clock state. Step forward with your right leg (twelve hours). Now bend down with your left knee touching the floor and your right leg folded in a 90 degree angle, keep for a little while and come back up. Do this to your right now (nine hours), rear (six hours) and left (nine hours). Repeat this exercise ten times.

The best cardio supplement: Bicycles

Supplement the Above Exercises with:

30 minutes of jogging, trotting or walking