Health & Fitness

Successful Sleep After Breaking the Smoking Habit

Individuals who are trying to quit smoking and are going through nicotine withdrawals might notice a shift in their sleeping patterns. Some individuals will sleep more than they used to before they quit while others will sleep much less than they used to. For those who find themselves suffering from nicotine withdrawal insomnia, there are several viable options they can try to get back to sleep while still managing to kick the habit.

Successful Sleep After Breaking the Smoking Habit
Music is another effective way to help the mind shut down and drift off to sleep.

Lower Caffeine Intake Levels    

Not only does smoking have to go, so does caffeine. Caffeine metabolizes in a smoker’s system twice as fast as it does a non-smoker’s. Individuals who have quit smoking might find that those two cups of coffee they used to drink and felt fine now make them feel jittery and ill at ease. It’s a good idea to either cut back on the stimulant or cut it out completely. Once they’ve made it through the withdrawal stage, chances are good that they’ll sleep like they used to.

Draw a Warm Bath

Not only is taking a warm bath before bed a good way to fall asleep easier, it’s also a great way to ease stress from the mind and body. Some aromatherapy candles, music and bubble bath will all combine to prepare the mind for a good night’s rest.

Get a Massage

Individuals who stop smoking should get a massage to help them sleep. It doesn’t have to be one from a professional either. 10 to 15 minutes on the shoulders, neck, and scalp can work miracles when it comes to falling asleep. 

Have Some Tea

Herbal tea is another good way to get a good night’s sleep for anyone who is trying to quit smoking and finds themselves wide away in the middle of the night. Look for teas that are blended specifically to promote relaxation and a restful night’s rest. Besides the supermarket, there might also be a good selection of teas at a health food store.

Put On Some Headphones

Music is another effective way to help the mind shut down and drift off to sleep. Mellow and soothing music works best. Another good alternative is to try sounds of nature, like the wind whistling through a field of grass or waves gently crashing into a beach. It’s best to use a music player that can be programmed to automatically turn itself off after a pre-set time.

Drink Milk

Always a standby favorite, a glass of warm milk can also help with sleep. The reason it’s so effective in helping a person fall asleep is that milk contains L-tryptophan, which is an amino acid that helps the body create serotonin. Serotonin is a special neurotransmitter that sends signals to the body to tell it to shut down. Milk seems to be even more effective as a sleep aid when combined with a carbohydrate. It’s also recommended to add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg to the milk to give it a bit of warm spice.

Other foods that contain L-tryptophan include:

  • Cashews
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Watermelon

What to Avoid

Just as there are several things that promote sleep, there are also activities that prevent or disrupt it, including drinking alcohol and taking naps. Trading one bad habit for a few good ones is sure to improve the sleep of those who have quit smoking.