Health & Fitness

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

While it’s true that some individuals may require medication to help them lower their bad cholesterol levels, many can make a difference with natural methods. When it comes to cholesterol, there are two kinds you should know about. Good cholesterol is known as HDL cholesterol and can actually help prevent heart disease. Bad cholesterol is known as LDL cholesterol and is one of the leading factors when it comes to developing heart disease. What you want to do is keep your HDL cholesterol high and your LDL cholesterol low to prevent heart troubles and stay healthy. Although your doctor can check your levels and tell you what to aim for, good levels are 50-60 HDL and 70 to 100 LDL for most people.


One of the easiest ways to lower cholesterol naturally is to avoid foods that raise it. The most dangerous foods when it comes to unhealthy cholesterol are those with saturated fats and trans fats. Examples of these types of fats include most animal fat. Fried foods and red meat with lots of fat are examples of foods to avoid. Does this mean you can’t have any fat? Of course not. On the contrary, fat is essential for human health. What’s important is choosing the right kind of fat. When cooking, go for extra virgin olive oil which is one of the healthiest fats there is. Flaxseed oil and fish oil are other examples of healthy fats. When eating fish, choose cold water varieties like salmon and mackerel for the most benefits. Other foods you should make sure you’re eating enough of include whole grains, which contain healthy fiber. Lowfat dairy products and healthy sources of protein such as fish, chicken, nuts and beans are also important.


Exercise is another natural way to lower cholesterol and is most effective when combined with a healthy diet. Try to get three to five 30 minute sessions of cardio every week for optimal results. Strength training can also be helpful for lowering cholesterol and should be done as a supplement to your cardiovascular routine. Even women and men who don’t want to bulk up can benefit from light weight training. Adding some sort of flexibility exercise to your fitness plan can also be a good idea. Yoga is ideal for bodily flexibility as well as stress relief. Speaking of stress relief, lowering your level of stress can also help lower your cholesterol levels.

Nutritional Supplements

There may also be certain nutritional supplements such as Omega-3 and niacin that may be recommended as part of your natural cholesterol lowering plan. Never take any kind of supplement without first asking your doctor. Some herbs and vitamins can interact with other medications, which is why consulting with a medical professional is so important. In closing, there are a variety of natural ways to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. A good place to start would be a healthier diet, more exercise and less stress. Results may take time to achieve, so be patient with yourself and follow your plan consistently. Your doctor is sure to agree that positive changes like these can make a difference in your cholesterol levels and total body health.