Health & Fitness

Minerals and their Food Sources

Minerals must be correctly balanced in the body to work efficiently. Minerals can be destroyed by many factors e.g. smoking and caffeine. Vitamin C increases iron absorption while tea reduces it. Drinking tea after or before meals will reduce the iron absorption in the body. Try not to drink your coffee or tea just after your meal. A complete list of minerals and their functions are given below.


Mineral Rich Food Sources Helps in
Calcium. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, green leafy vegetables & dried figs. Formation of bones and teeth; heart function.
Copper. Nuts, seeds, whole grains & dried fruits. Helps produce hemoglobin.
Iodine. Iodized salt, milk & milk products. Proper working of thyroid gland.
Iron. Leafy green vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds & raisins. Essential component of hemoglobin, deficiency causes anemia.
Magnesium. Dairy products, vegetables & whole grains. Activates energy supplying enzymes.
Manganese. Whole grains, wheat germ & Vegetables. Involved in bone structure and nervous system activity.
Phosphorus. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, grains & beans. Formation of bones, regulates many body functions.
Potassium. Oranges, bananas, dried fruits, vegetables & milk Balances water levels in cells.
Selenium. Barley, unpolished rice, cashew nuts & peanuts. Functions as an anti-oxidant.
Sodium. Most foods especially table salt, pickles, processed & canned foods. Regulates fluids in body, thus influence blood pressure; essential to nerve function and energy production.
Zinc. Seeds, nuts, dairy products & whole grains. Promotes growth of tissues, prevents anaemia.