Health & Fitness

How to keep your Weight Loss Resolution

You have resolved that this year you are finally going to get rid of all the excess weight. You are all pepped up and hitting the gym every morning and trying to find some taste in those salad meals and diets. A month later and you find yourself giving in to that so-much-more-satisfying cheese burger and pizza. And you can still tell everyone you are doing the gym even if you go there just once a week. Sounds familiar? Don’t despair, this happens to most of the people who resolve to lose weight. They lose their resolve instead. So how do you keep that resolve? How do you keep yourself motivated till you shed all of those pounds?

Here are some really helpful and easy methods to keep you on the weight loss track till you reach your destination, i.e. a slim, younger, healthier and happier you.

1. Write it down!
Just saying it to yourself is not enough. Write down your resolve to lose weight prominently on a piece of paper and stick it over your desk, on the fridge or your workplace. The power of the written word is proven to have a much more positive impact on the mind. And when you feel down, your own words will stare at you and put the fight back in you. Read your resolution everyday and renew your resolve with each new day. You will never fall off your program.

2. Share your resolution with friends and family:
When you let all your friends and family know that you have decided to lose weight, they will always support you by encouraging you to stick to your resolve. They will keep an eye on you if you go off your diet or miss your exercise program. Motivation from friends and family goes a long way in making you feel good and takes your mind off tempting foods and encourages you to stay on your weight loss track.

3. Set smaller goals:
Set weekly goals for losing small amount of weight and try to achieve those goals. When you see the results at the end of the week, you are motivated to do better the next week. The feeling of success will pump you up to set higher and higher goals each week, and very soon you will be saying goodbye all that weight.

4. Add variety to your exercise:
Doing the same routine everyday will tire you out and become boring for you feel motivated to come in the next day. Instead try different routines on alternate days. You can do aerobics and cardio vascular exercises one day and weights another day. This will keep your exercise program exciting and you will look forward to the next day in the gym.

5. Add variety to your diet:
Eating the same diet everyday is the surest way to be tempted to drop off your diet plan. Instead try different variations everyday. Keep your meals exciting. Experiment with different tastes and textures. The same food tastes vastly different when it is baked, boiled, steamed or micro waved. Add more fresh produce to your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables add taste, color and fiber to your diet and have vitamins and minerals that help you lose weight and be healthy.

6. Take up a sport or hobby:
Taking up gardening or crafting or any sport that you always wanted to. It takes your mind off food and gives you a creative release. Instead of thinking about food, you will be doing something you enjoy in your free time, and unknown to your body and mind, you will be losing more weight all the time!

7. Reward yourself:
The mind needs an incentive to get things done. When you have reached your weekly weight loss goal, reward yourself with small incentives, like that hot new hair curling iron or that cool new MP3 player. You fully deserve it for sticking to your diet and losing that weight. And the reward will motivate you to do better next week. Tell yourself that you will buy that new car or that new house if you reach your final weight loss goal and work towards it week by week. Sooner than you know, you will be cruising in that new car and relaxing in that new home!

8. Never give up:
You may give in to temptation and pig out all weekend. You may miss the gym the whole week. Do not feel embarrassed and do not despair. Get up and fight! There are many pitfalls on the way to losing weight, but in the end if you keep fighting, you will win. Get back to your diet and get back on the gym floor next week. You will feel back in control of your life and your weight and you will feel much better than not continuing at all. Remember, it is YOUR resolution and you CAN and WILL achieve it!