Health & Fitness

Exercises for a Flat Stomach

If you’re like many people, then your stomach is a problematic area when it comes to body confidence. Most people wish their abdominals were flatter and more toned. If you’re one of them, then you’re in luck. Here are some tips to help you gain the flat, toned tummy of your dreams:

Cardio: Although strength toning is important, it’s nothing on its own. Be sure to get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise at least three times a week. This helps you stay strong and boosts your metabolism so you can burn fat more efficiently.

Traditional Exercises: When it comes to sculpting your abdominals, traditional exercises can work wonders. Old-fashioned crunches can go a long way towards helping you achieve your goals of a tight tummy. One ancient exercise program that can help you tone up all over is Yoga. And poses like the Cobra and Cat can help you shape up your problematic abdominals.

Hi-Tech Exercise Equipment: High-tech machines can also be great. Check out the innovations at your local gym, or try one of the great home machines like the Ab Lounger. These machines can help make toning your abdominals easier and more efficient.

Creative Stomach Flattening Activities: If you’re bored with traditional exercises, try activities that are fun yet offer stomach flattening properties. Good ideas include belly dancing and kayaking. If you enjoy walking, try carrying small dumbbells with you and doing oblique twists every few steps. This will boost the power of your walk and help you tone the sides of your abdomen.

A Healthy Diet: Even the best exercise plan is worthless if you don’t combine it with a healthy, well balanced diet. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean protein. Although carbs aren’t your enemy, avoid them in the form of white flour and processed foods. Instead, go for whole grains.

Drink Water: Water is essential for life, and essential for anyone who is hoping to lose weight and sculpt their bodies. Not only do you need extra water to hydrate you after exercising, you need water to help your body flush impurities and unnecessary fat.

Reduce Sodium Intake: Another great way to reduce belly bloat is to reduce your sodium intake. Be sure not to eat salty foods or consume carbonated beverages like soft drinks. Drinking plenty of water will help reduce bloating and flush out impurities.