Health & Fitness

3 Reasons to Suggest Laser Eye Surgery to Your Parents

When considering the entirety of eye and vision care, laser eye surgery is brand spankin’ new. In fact, laser eye surgery was not approved in a market like the United States until the mid 90’s! If you’re young, that might sound like forever ago, but to your parents and/or grandparents, that’s a very recent year in their personal history. Always effective at correcting myopia, various innovations have further improved bladeless laser eye surgery over the years. It’s cheaper and more effective for a greater range of conditions than ever before. But your parents and grandparents might not have heard. Here are three reasons why you might just want to suggest this still-revolutionary non-surgical intervention to them. Or, if you have the means, perhaps consider making a gift of it!

3 Reasons to Suggest Laser Eye Surgery to Your Parents

First of all, improved vision will better an older adult’s quality of life, in ways that are sometimes hard to anticipate. As people get older, they tend to let certain aspects of their healthcare slide, at least when it comes to regular checkups and diagnostics. It’s not uncommon for aging adults to have lots of medical issues to have investigated, and it’s often tempting to let vision take a back seat. Because vision doesn’t seem like a life-or-death issue, it’s easy to let it slide. Unfortunately, this will contribute to an adult losing mobility and independence with time. It makes it harder to do simple things like keep up with current events, and other things we take for granted. In short, an aging adult who sees well finds it easier to stay up to date and integrated, both with society and their friends/family.

Secondly, laser eye surgery is more affordable than ever before. In the 90’s back when these technologies were first developed, it was VERY expensive to get laser eye surgery. But now, the procedures are common enough that they are affordable to more people. Discounts and coupons are even available in many regions. Consult with your eye doctor to see what a combination or insurance, price assistance, and your own means can accomplish.

Finally, laser eye surgery is the safest way to achieve the best vision results. Being bladeless, there is no harm done to the exterior of the eye. The process only requires a couple of hours in the office before the patient can be sent home. It’s important to explain this last point to people who are worried about the implications of “LASER” eye surgery. Precise and effective, laser eye surgery provides maximal benefit with minimal risk, through world class facilities like, all around the world.

There are many other reasons why you should consider laser eye surgery, either for yourself or for someone you love. When it comes to older adults, this simple and powerful procedure can be a new lease on life, providing opportunities and clarity of vision never before anticipated. It’s worth every penny. Talk to your eye doctor about how it might be possible for yourself or for an older adult you love.