Crafts & Hobbies

Shamrock Pin, St. Patrick’s Day Crafts

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This fun and easy to make pin is perfect for anyone who wants to wear a little green, without going all out.

Shamrock Pin, St. Patrick's Day Craft

What you will need:

1. Two green pipe cleaners 2. Green paper 3. Green fake leaves 4. Craft pin (so that you can attach the pin to your clothing) 5. Small sprig of fake white flowers (a good place to look for these is the bridal section of a craft store) 6. Hot glue gun 7. Glue sticks 8. Scissors


1. Plug in the hot glue gun and make sure it has glue in it. 2. Begin by cutting the green pipe cleaners in half. 3. Set one of the halves aside, you will not be using it. 4. Shape the other three pipe cleaners into heart shapes. Make sure that you have a little bit of pipe cleaner coming off the end of the heart like a handle so that there is some way to attach the three pipe cleaners together. 5. Wind the end of the pipe cleaners together and arrange the hearts so that they look like a clover. 6. With the hot glue gun apply glue to one side of the pipe cleaner clover. 7. Glue the clover to the sheet of green paper. Make sure that the entire inside of the clover is backed by the paper so that there are not any empty spots. 8. Allow the glue to dry and set. 9. With the scissors cut around the outside of the clover. You should now have a beautiful completely green clover. 10. Use the wire on the end of the white flowers to wrap them around the green pipe cleaner. Now make the white flowers sit upright in front of the clover. 11. With the glue gun attach the fake leaves to the back of the clover so that it looks more like a corsage. 12. Allow the glue to dry and set.

Glue the pin to the back of the clover. Again let the glue dry. Now you have a beautiful pin to wear or to use in other places throughout the house.