Work & Finance

Tips to Earn from Affiliate Programs

We’ve all been there at one time. Join a program, advertise the ads they give us, and Nothing happens. Why? This took me a long time to figure out. When I first started in this business, I joined quite a few free affiliate programs and 1 paid program. I was advertising everyday with the ads they gave me, and I just couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t receiving any results. I was starting to feel very disappointed. I thought to myself, this isn’t going to work. I almost gave up. And that’s when it hit me. I thought, try writing my own ad for once instead of using the ads they provided. The rest is history. If your going to resell other peoples products and services, you really need to write up your own ads about that product or service. Think about it. Say there are 1,000 affiliates for a program. Well guess what? They are all using those same ads that the company provided for them. This means there are 1,000 ads that all say the same thing. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of seeing ad after ad that say the same thing. And would you buy from an ad you’ve seen that many times but they all have different links? Do you see why your not receiving results? Ad writing is Not as hard as you may think. Here’s a few tips for you to get started with writing your own ads. 1. When you open an email, why did you open it? What caught your attention? 2. If you clicked on a link in that email, what made you click it? 3. If you actually read the whole email, what kept your attention on it? Ask yourself these questions the next time you open a email and read it, and I can Guarantee you, you will get the answers to your questions. The number 1 rule for email marketing is to make your subject eye catching so they open it. The problem is, people are lying in their subjects. People think they have to lie to get us to read their emails when in reality, all they are doing is getting their ads sent to the trash bin. And they wonder why they aren’t getting results. There’s way to many people who believe in all of the hype. Make $1,000s by next week. Gimme a break! We all know that isn’t going to happen. At least for most of us it won’t. Be honest in your advertising and people will see it and respond to it. How do you think I got this far, by lying? I think not. If you don’t believe what you read then you can bet most others won’t believe it either. It’s hard enough doing business on the internet without all of the hype. You can make it easier for yourself by being honest. When writing your ads, use your own testimonial in it. Nothing sells better then someone’s own testimonial. That’s why you see them on so many websites. They work, so use them. When something gives you the results you wanted, write about that in your ad. Nothing shows through better then your own excitement in your ads. The next time you wonder why something isn’t working, take a look at the ads your using and change them as needed. Sometimes just changing a word or two will make the difference in your results. If you get stumped when writing an ad, go to that website and take a few words from there then add some of your own. All in all, be honest in your ads and you will start seeing results in no time.