Work & Finance

Tips for Job Hunting for Women

Job Hunting Tips for WomenGoing back to work or finding your dream job is not easy to do, especially if you are a woman. The first step in finding a good job is to know how to hunt for a job. To be a successful hunter you should follow these tips.

1. Know What You Are Looking For

The first tip that women can use when hunting for a job is to know what you are looking for. Before you step foot outside you should have some sort of game plan. Your game plan should identify the type of jobs that you are interested in, the hours you want to work, the days of the week that you want to work, and the amount of money that you want to earn. If you don’t know what type of job you should be looking for then you may want to begin your job search by taking a career assessment test. These tests are usually given by employment agencies and they will evaluate your skills and interests to find jobs that you will do well in. You also might want to focus on jobs that you have the educational experience in. For example if you have an MBA then you might want to focus on careers that involve business management or accounting.

2. Employment Agencies

A very effective method for finding a job is to use an employment agency. These agencies have lots of jobs in a variety of fields that you can apply for. Usually the employment agency will interview you and evaluate your skills and experience and then match you with potential employers. If you are looking for temporary work then you will most like have to use one of these agencies to find clients.

3. Create a Resume

No matter what type of job you are searching for you need a resume. A resume is a one page summary of your education and work experience. If you want to make the best impression on a potential employer you should tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experience that you have that are relevant to the position that you are applying for.

4. Contact Companies That You Want to Work For

If you want to work for a specific company then you should contact their personnel department directly to set up a time to talk to them about possible employment opportunities. Even if they don’t have a position open at the moment that you qualify for you can still get your foot in the door and introduce yourself in case a position opens up. Employers will generally keep your resume on file for about 6 months.

5. Business Cards are Valuable Marketing Tools

In addition to handing out a resume to potential employers you may also want to hand out a business card. Your business card should contain information about your education and the type of work you are looking for. It should also include information about how a company can contact you. You may also want to include a catch phrase at the bottom of your business card that demonstrates your expertise in your field. Finally, consider including your photograph on your business card. This will help the employer to remember who you are.