Work & Finance

The Right Tools for eBay Success

Power sellers seem to have taken over eBay, sometimes making it seem more like an online shopping mall than an auction site. For someone just starting an eBay business, or someone with a small product line, it can even appear that there is no room left for the little guy. In reality, the little guy is still able to make money on eBay if they use the right tools.

Tools of the Trade

For anyone who desires to make money on eBay, it is necessary to use the right tools.

Digital Camera

While you don’t need the most expensive model available, you do need a camera that produces clear, quality photos. Blurry pictures don’t sell products. You can also use a standard film camera and scanner, but it adds extra steps to the process. Library, or stock, photos of an item don’t show the exact item you have, and often turn buyers away.

Photo Editing Software

Again, the most expensive software is not necessary. You need to be able to crop your photo, cutting away everything but your product. In addition, eBay only accepts JPEG and GIF formats, so you can use the software to convert your pictures to those formats if necessary. Finally, you can compress your photos to 50Kb or less, which allows them to load faster.

Scales and Measuring Tape

These are used to measure and weigh boxes. Pack the item in the box, exactly as you would for shipping. Weigh the box, then measure length, height and width. This allows you to set up the shipping calculator tool, rather than setting a flat rate. Buyers can afford to bid higher when they know exactly what they will be paying for shipping.


Using TurboLister, or a similar program, allows you to upload multiple listings to eBay at the same time. You have the ability to save basic information, like payment options and terms, which saves the time of typing them for each new listing.

Search Tool

Use eBay’s search tool, including the option to view completed listings, to get an idea of what your products are selling for and when is the best time to list them. Word Processing Program

While a word processing program is not essential for making money on eBay, it can be a useful tool for writing your listings. Using a word processing program, you can type your listing, then read over it and change it as needed. You can also run a grammar and spelling check to help create a more accurate listing. While grammar and spelling errors may not seem like a big deal, they lessen your credibility, which detracts from your product.

Conclusion in a Nutshell

A successful eBay business will not happen overnight, but it can happen with a little patience and effort. Always remember that even the biggest power seller started with their first listing. If you use the right tools, and take advantage of the features available on eBay, it is possible even for a little guy or gal to make money on eBay.