Work & Finance

5 Expert Tips on How to Have a Successful Rebrand

Before you decide to rebrand your business, it is important that you take the time to weigh the entire process carefully. Rebranding your company has many benefits, but if not done correctly, it can have some adverse impacts. Therefore, before you make the plunge, you need to be 100% sure of your decision.

5 Expert Tips on How to Have a Successful Rebrand

  1. What is the purpose of the rebrand?

Before you begin rebranding, take the time to think about the main objective of the entire process. Ask yourself what you want to achieve or accomplish with the new brand, and what modifications you want to make to the company. Whether you are rebranding to draw in new customers to your products or services or are rebranding to stand out from your competitors, define your purpose and then structure your rebranding strategy around it.

You also need to spend some serious time weighing up the pros and cons. Does your current brand name have a lot of goodwill? How will it affect your social media presence? Take for instance the Canvas Factory, if they were to rebrand would that affect the powerful social media following (80k+ followers and counting) that they have built up?

  1. Create a new fresh brand

When rebranding your company name and logo, make sure to create a brand that is unique and one that your customers can easily relate to. There are three main factors to consider when recreating your company name and logo:

  • The brand should be able to reflect who you are. Otherwise, you will end up with a brand that is indistinguishable from that of your competitors.
  • The new brand should be able to appeal to your audience. Take some time to do your own research about your audience before rebranding. Think about whether you are targeting new clients or trying to engage your existing customers.
  • Due diligence is important before rebranding to ensure that the new brand is in line with the law. Consult with a trademark lawyer to confirm that your new brand does not have another owner and is unique to your company only. Avoiding legal headaches should be a strong consideration.
  1. Create a new brand that can evolve as you grow

When rebranding, remember that a brand is bigger than just a logo, company name, color or graphics. It is the core of the enterprise. Therefore, make sure your new brand can grow and evolve with time, while still maintaining its true essence. Take time to create clearly defined goals that will help guide your path to a successful rebrand.

  1. Make the rebrand known

Remember, when rebranding, customers do not care about the name of the logo. Rather, they want to know if the new brand will alter their experience with the company for better. You need to have a strategy in place to push the new brand live. Be ready to explain why the new brand will be better articulately. Preferably, explain to them that you will maintain the good aspects of the business coupled with new exciting benefits. An effective rebranding announcement is key to your success in this endeavour.

  1. Be consistent and persistent

After launching your new brand, commit to it. Do not contradict yourself by referring to things that point to your new brand. Transition wholly into the new brand, and eventually, other people will follow.

Rebranding may be the key your company’s needs to change its direction, move forward and help you accomplish the new set goals. With a clear set of goals, vision, and purpose in mind, you are set for a successful rebrand. If you are unsure of how to go about rebranding, do not shy from asking for help from branding experts. Their input will be of benefit to your company.