Work & Finance

15 Signs You Are Due For Your Next Holiday

15 Signs You Are Due For Your Next HolidaySome people are great at keeping a healthy work-life balance. They know when to step out of the office and take a breather, and they know when to knuckle down for an all-nighter.

Not everyone can do it, though. Some people just don’t know when they need to stop, get out of town, or even just have a night off.

So here’s a list.

You know you’re due for a holiday when:

1. No one gets your jokes anymore.

When you’re overstressed, this is one of the first things to go: your sense of humour.

2. You bring your work laptop to weddings.

This is a clear sign. This happens and it’s ugly.

3. You’re usually ‘catching up’ on work on Sunday night.

You may think you’re saving time, but you’re actually just still working.

4. Anti-aging creams aren’t slowing down the wrinkles.

Premature aging is a sure sign that you need to take a trip.

5. You can’t remember the last time you saw the horizon line. Except out of the plane window, on your last business trip.

If you can’t remember what uninterrupted nature looks like, it’s time to get out of the city.

6. You chat to your friends on Facebook more than to your family at home.

Facebook is great. Sure. But it’s not an alternative to a real conversation.

7. You chat to your cat more…than you should.

Cats are also great. But, sadly, this is a sure sign you need to take a break.

8. You struggle to make time to buy groceries. 

This is a subtle sign. But if you don’t have time to buy food you’re probably not cooking food, which means you’re working too much.

9. You have nightmares about work. And sometimes they come true.

This is a very sad state and it can only be remedied with a long vacation.

10. You resist delegating even the easiest of tasks.

“If you want something done properly – do it yourself.” These are the words of a non-delegator. Everyone needs to let go sometimes. If you’re having trouble, it’s time to take a break.

11. You’re Vitamin D deficient.

It’s time to get more sun! Go and get it.

12. You’re always tired. Yet you insist you only need five hours’ sleep.

Ah, that old chestnut. If you are always tired, you probably just need more sleep.  Holidays are perfect for sleeping in.

13. You’ve forgotten your hobbies.

Do you have hobbies and treasured things that you’ve forgotten about? This is a sure sign you need a break.

14. You never, ever, turn your phone off.

Another clear sign you need a holiday.

15. You love your job. And you hate your job.

No matter how much you love your job, you will hate it if you burn yourself out. So don’t do that. Keep loving your job by taking care of yourself – on a beach, with someone you love, and with no plans at all.