Beauty & Fashion

Boob job boom- up 35% this year

Boob job boomThe ‘boob job’ is officially the most popular plastic surgery procedure among women in the UK according to As the number of women choosing to get breast enlargements continues to rise, we wonder what it is that makes the procedure so popular.

From a young age girls are encouraged to think that big breasts are best. Whether it’s an underwear advert in a magazine, dancers wearing skimpy clothes in a music video or reality TV stars wearing cleavage-enhancing dresses. A lot of young women choose to have breast augmentation because they are flat-chested and feel like their body is out of proportion, making them feel self-conscious about their breasts.

In the past women might have worried that a boob enlargement would look too obvious, making them look more Katie Price than Kate Middleton. Nowadays the results of a boob job can be subtle, allowing girls to achieve a very natural look. This means the procedure has a wider appeal and is no longer considered an option exclusive to glamour models and girls with showbiz aspirations.

It’s not just girls with small breasts who are getting boob jobs either. Women of all ages are going under the knife after finding their breasts have been altered by pregnancy and breastfeeding. Many women feel that their breasts have changed shape and are saggy. An operation to fill the upper part of the breasts and give them an uplift is a way of restoring their breasts to their fuller, pre-childbirth shape.

This type of boob job is also popular among women in their fifties and sixties whose boobs have been changed by time and gravity. The recovery time for women in this age bracket can actually be quicker than it is for younger women, largely due to the fact that older women have a higher pain threshold, especially if they have been through childbirth.

The healing process is now quicker than ever for women of all ages, thanks to new techniques such as Endoscopic surgery, which involves a surgeon inserting a very thin probing tube into the breast that has a tiny camera attached. The camera feeds back to a large screen, allowing the surgeon to see inside the breast while he is operating. After this surgery women could be back at work within one week.

Speedy recovery times and subtle, natural results mean that boob jobs have never been more appealing to women!