Beauty & Fashion

Acne Skin Care: Do’s and Dont’s

Acne Skin Care Tips - Do's and Dont'sJust as there are different sizes and shapes of people, there are different types of skin. Usually people that are prone to acne have very sensitive skin. Those that suffer with acne require special care and cleansing of the skin. Therefore, it is important to choose your skin care products knowledgeably so as not to further aggravate your acne.

People suffering from acne need to pay special attention to the overall cleaning and care of their skin. Below are some tips on what you should be doing and what not to do.

You should:

A. Very gently cleanse your skin with warm water and a mild natural facial cleanser. Cleanse your skin twice a day; dirt, contaminants, and natural skin oils block pores thus a thorough cleansing twice a day.

B. Selecting oil free and eco-friendly cosmetics is necessary. Conventional beauty products contain large amounts of fatty acids, which can clog pores

You should not:

A. Contrary to the above, you should not over wash your skin, this mean excessive scrubbing. You cannot scrub the acne away. Extreme scrubbing will worsen acne and causes more blemishes to open up and spread.

B. Although it seems natural to pick, squeeze or pop a pimple, doing so can cause scarring, spreading the blemish, and open the acne up to a bacterial infection. Therefore, keep your fingers away from you face.

C. Skin toners are recommended for additional cleaning, if not overused. Unfortunately, they contain alcohol and acetone that is drying and can be damaging to the skin.

D. Despite the fact that some sun exposure may help dry up surface acne blemishes, extended sun exposure can damage the skin and worsen acne in the end.

For those that suffer with acne, they must consider the foods they eat, and the beauty products they purchase in order to reduce outbreaks of acne blemishes. As with any health or skin condition, knowledge plays a vital role in improvement.